[FM] Dota 2 - eevee's wild ride - Game End


he died that was bounty hunter Blizer

Oh right.

Did you kill Blizer?

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@maxwell, did you kill the bounty hunter?


Tinfoil: Maxwell is a Boom Bye Town

I can feel Maxwell overthinking his posts through my computer.

Or I feel my confirmation bias

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If you kill the previous wielder you inherit it. If the previous wielder is lynched then a random one of his or her voters gets it. I’m unsure the interaction with theft.
Yes, I killed 2 with the divine rapier.

@Solic just keep doing the thing

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Then we’re not lynching Maxwell today. :thinking:

If I could actually understand what my ability does, that’d be helpful. :thinking: I think I either make Maxwell kill me if I try him again or I make him kill himself.

maxwell has to keep killing, or betray his wincon, and if solic keeps ressing them we just get a stream of ICs

Hang on

@Maxwell does the rapier transfer only when its wielder is specifically lynched?

this could be an attempt to just prevent us from killing him.
let me ask something…

Convince me why you exist in this game.

yeah, theres some good evidence that max is faking.

Aka fullclaim Blue. We have an innocent child alive already. There is nothing that should hold you back. :eyes:

i dont think we should lynch him today, just in case, but lets keep our eye on him

I fancied lurking just to see what would happen.

Start of day 3 eevee said I had 12 hours or until the EoD whichever came sooner else I die.

Fancy a drink?

Brb 30 mins while I drive home.