[FM] Dota 2 - eevee's wild ride - Game End

You’re losing me.

I’m losing myself reading that card again and again.

I’m not lying, and maybe there is a way to negate it in the end but if there is I was not made aware of it. I do not know who Xblade7 is. I targeted Xblade7, not a player name, night 1. Like I said, it was an awful read that made me become NK.

theres a specific piece of knowledge, that is something that most specifically do not know, and that this is intentional

Vote Count!

Xblade 5-Geyde Datbird-2/6

Could the Rapier be passed to “not a player”? :thinking:

Is that accurate?



Why are you doublevoting me?

Goddamn doublevoters

I’m already confused

maxwell and maximus

Actually it’s not accurate, because I unvoted? :thinking:

hence, max x2

i asked fk if my vote could count as 2 since im a spectator

Oh I actually didn’t unvote.

that works too

also im channelling the energy of maxwell

New rule. Not counting votes unless I’m pinged with the vote

That’s bullshit. Eevee has already said that Firekitten pulled too much chaos into this game. No way he’d allow that.

sorry if you think bastard games can’t be chaotic