[FM] Dota 2 - eevee's wild ride - Game End

0 ez win

So are you, but you see me saying anything? No

Actaully, I am saying a lot

Gamer’s XBladier than the rest of us



So yeah lets get this wagon goin /vote Xblade

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Dad is smart

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Voted Number Voters
person votes people voting said person

just qoute this to see the setup

I actually got my main lol


you got Xblade sweet

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Vote Xblade 2
It’s the safest thing. If we specify what slot we vote, we don’t risk losing days.

but how do we know which player is in which slot?

We don’t. But, I’d rather not waste an entire day by voting a troll

We could always figure out who XBlade 2 is on our own

Or, we could vote for whoever is scummy, instead of trying to figure out who Xblade 2, cause we have no idea who X-blade 2 is at all.

If we’re gonna vote a number lets go for 10, 10 is always evil

Also, i dont believe Gamerpoke usually trolls when he plays.

his reasoning makes no sense at all tbh.

I finished my essays VC coming soon

I’m your vote count bot, Xblade!

Vote Count

Xblade-Gamer Dat-2/8
Gamer-Squid Blizer-2/8
Xblade 2-PKR-1/8