I am thinking that Arete and Marshal are probably TvT with this agrugment

I don’t know, I want my openings to be fresh

can you explain why

all I’ve seen from you as far as a case was you taking a joke out of context and incorrectly calling it preflipping

what posts are “bad” and why. with quotes would be better.

There’s things I want to do but can’t because they’re not sentences.

When did I become so addicted to not explaining things. Heck.

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It’s a joke about how few people are playing and how I never get lynched and always die in other ways

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Sure, I don’t get how others aren’t seeing it tbh.

probably because our posts aren’t actually bad and you haven’t explained your take


i’m waiting

system you STUPID FUCK

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This feels like you just want to scumread me for the sake of it but you failed to find a good enough reason.


Or I’ll call you a stupid fuck instead.

I mean, I’m pretty null on your slot overall, since I’m choosing to primarily read DatBird over you because I historically just slap a scumread on you in basically every game we’re in.

If I wanted to, I could forgo the DatBird part of that read and say “lol, wazza is a woof!”, if that makes you happier?

I’ve yelled at him in hydra chat at least a dozen times already.

I can’t control him, it’s like Firekitten all over again. :upside_down_face:

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Don’t like Wazza harping about wasting posts.

One minute let me check something.


My immediate PoE has to be Nappy (I don’t like people claiming to "change their playstyle), Jane (because Jane’s stuff does seem forced), TBE (but that could be because TBE has poorer d1s), maybe Mode/Centuries and dat/wazza


Why are you using caps, I don’t remember you using caps and all

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I swear I remember him doing something like this before and me calling it out. I thought it was Hydra Jailkeeper game but it’s not. Uhh.

Can’t find it.

Still don’t like Wazza.

[Insert random thing I want to put here but can’t because it’s not a sentence.]

People tend to ignore my posts sometimes and I hate that. I just know someone will use my early PoE to push me or something, so that’s why I screamed that it’s subject to change


Allow me to teach our difference in skill to all players in this game.

To all of you gathered here, in this place…I will show you the difference in our positions!

I am absolute.

You’re literally pulling reasons to shade me out of thin air, I have not being quickhammery, and there’s no reason for you to think that I have been.

You’re misrepresenting my posts, and in the same post you call me out for my supposed shade, you use that to shade me.

This post is not only completely useless, since you know their alignment, it also hurts your wincon. It just feels like you’re trying to distance from your own hydra partner.

You’re continuing to misrepresent my post, and using it to shade me. You’re ignoring the fact that I don’t have the same definition of preflipping as you do, and using it to further shade me. (I’m pretty sure I read a post about strong players ignoring signs of towniness/ tunneling for reasons they know are bad (Eh, this is phrased badly but idk how else to phrase it) being scummy, but I can’t remember where.)

Again, despite the fact that it should’ve been way more than obvious that we have a different definition of preflipping, you continue to shade me for it, and you’re using sarcasm to draw attention away from it (Sure, this last point is kinda moot but postgame cred :^])

Literally every single one of your posts feels forced. You’re just being aggressive for the sake of being aggressive, and all you care about is pushing agenda.

Like, wtf even is this post, are you pretending like you think this is Napoleon outing as Mafia or something? Also, it’s very LAMIST, but I’m pretty sure that’s NAI for you.

Again, more representing a post that wasn’t even accusing you, and using it to shade me.

This exists.

Like sulit said, this part has no reason to exist.

More Flavor

You’ve defied me for this long. It is not enough to merely have you sit. I’ll only loosen my grip when you’ve been exiled. Give it up. I will be victorious!

And thus, by witnessing my glorious form, you should now realize… your defeat is absolute.

I also don’t like your posts telling Arete “hey your read is bad but a still villa” but that’s kinda strawman-y and probably not AI.

I’d ISO kat too but I’m tired so that’ll have to wait until tomorrow.

The thing is that this is very towny thing for Marshal

ok so i’m just going to say it

this is not a good case in the slightest

this was science only and never meant to shade you just ignore that post

I’m not misrepresenting you

how am I misrepresenting you

I am saying that the way you are phrasing it is incorrect! That’s not a shade, that’s the blatant truth!

this is like

so much text

for a fucking joke commenting on kat looking uncomfortable

and kat told me why in teamchat after I asked them. So it’s not useless, it’s directly bouncing off of sonething said earlier

When I wrote this post, I DIDN’T KNOW WE HAD DIFFERENT DEFINITIONS. You can’t fucking say I ignored us having different definitions, WITHOUT. ME. KNOWING.

daFUQ? The posts you quoted were me asking you a question and correcting you on your error. I’m not even pushing or shading you for that. I HAVE NOT BEEN SHADING YOU ALL GAME! I have said that I found your posts bad but that it’s not inherently wolfy. You say my goal has been to push you but I haven’t been fucking doing that

this is just



im not using it to shade you! I specifically said it might be wolfy but isn’t inherently wolfy! You act like I am your #1 hater but I don’t even have a good read on your alignment right now! Even after this utter travesty of a case I still don’t even fucking scumlean you.

you said it best in the 2nd sentance. the “ladies and gentlemen, we got 'em” is a meme. a joke. come on dude! The post I quoted was wolfy, the “ah this point against me is fair” is like a commonly known scumtell.

I’m going to be real with you. This case is in all honestly terrible and my patience is kind of worn thin. I think it could be a miscommunication, so i’m going to try to make things clear.

In all of my posts, I am attacking the content of your posts, and not your alignment. I am not trying to shade you, I am not trying to misrepresent you, in fact if I had to go GTH I think even after this painful wall of text you are >rand v.

You say i’m pushing agenda, and while “x is pushing people, it’s agenda” reads already suck, i’m not even pushing you.

This entire thing is again, attacking your case (which I find to be not good), not you, which I find to be similar to your past games enough that if I had to slap the lazy meta read on you i’d call you v.

I feel like you’ve latched onto a disagreement in hope of catching a wolf, but it’s just that, a disagreement on the definition of preflipping, and how serious my jokes are.

if it’s a viberead off of my agressiveness, and I get the vibe that it is, please just say that. It feels like you are trying to justify the read because I asked for quotes instead of just saying that (and I find that fact to be NAI for the record).

Hello friends

Wazza is


/Vote Marshal

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