sulit villager

arete villager barring gamer things

dat villager fuck y’all

Oh god, Arete is liking my posts now. Must be scum.


so you did, I forgot about that

with that being said

IIRC I was literally the first vote on your slot


Uh I think Dat is town

Sulit is, uh… I’m iffy on the slot, can’t say why but the way they’re playing rn, me no likey

I think (and I said earlier on) that Jane/Nappy isn’t W/W and I think Nappy is town but I don’t know about Jane

I like TBE so far

The Scientists I have no idea nd I’d have to read all over

This is 16 or so hours of no sleep Centuries talking to yeah don’t expect anything glorious

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That…wasn’t how I responded.

I expressed concern that this might derail into the same situation that Marshal and Katze fell in when I voted them earlier.


Please, read on my posts before you make accusations of my intentions beforehand.

I don’t think he fakes this AtE

if he is villager it should be more obvious later but i’m saying it first for vbuckz

as far as wazza idk what he’s doing I can never really read him right

what do u not like about it?

Ban Count

Voted Voters Votes
Romeo and Juliet TBE 1/5
The Scientists Jane 1/5
New World Order Napoleon 1/5
Napoleon MarshalKat 1/5
DatBird/Wazza Romeo and Juliet, Sulit/orange 2/5

Fun Link {won’t ruin your day probably}
Fun Link 2 {probably less interesting}
Fun Link 3 {I don’t give shit}


I don’t really like TBE but I can’t put my finger on why.

Fuck you.

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I think its probably like the half reads/analysis he’s done. Like he came in with a priority system on who he was gonna read and it just felt weird and unneeded. And then when he posted his most recent read list its just blanket statements of V or SL. No backbone to it. He said he would explain but dipped right after coming in.

Okay, so Katshal’s posts are still bad, so my vote is probably staying there overnight.

Still not liking Centuries, but that read doesn’t really matter as Mode is an easy read anyway (more so for others than me but still.)

Can me and derps speak during the same time? also hi you wonderful people

catch up

I am paranoid of anyone claiming to change playstyles

well, I don’t like to see wagons reach half of the majority in the first few hours tbqh

@Arete since we have a post limit I plan to cram as much as I can into single posts and me and derps didn’t really discuss anything, but Derps is kind of quiet anyway. I did have your question quoted, but I lost that post when my browser crashed

I get the intention behind the post but I wonder, what comes after?

On a second read, here’s how it goes

I expect TBE’s play to be fairly standard and simple
Here I think, while it’s kinda weird I can see the town motivation so I’m going to put it as “good intent, but it doesnt really do much” but I still think it’s AI and town

This one is also weird, it’s just a dumb opener with actual work behind it? I could see you saying it’s too tryhard-y of an opening fluff wise but I don’t see it as AI or suspicious

Does the thought come from town sulit or scum sulit? Dunno really

The reasoning isn’t something amazing but I think it’s townie enough, I don’t really see scum tbe doing this but then again I’ve never seen scum tbe and I’m only comparing to a previous town game where he dies D2 so idk

It’s more of a, I want to SR than a I don’t want to look bad post? Which makes me think afraid town over scum trying a gamble

I think it comes from Town tbh, it’s not a good reason to push but would scum arete be hyperfocused on this part

Eh, I don’t think town would want to tunnel you with so little actual content it’s mostly a flawed argument which comes from town

I’m sleepy

gotta stay awake

Who are you and what did you do to Gorta, he’d never call us “beautiful people”


Go sleep, nerd.

I need to stay awake nerd

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further proof i shouldnt be awake

reading comprehension skills are miserable

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Anyway, gonna go back to my initial plan of “post less, relax and drop reads when they come to you” that Arete interrupted by being weird.

I kind of disagree with Marshal on their “sulit V” read but they’re using meta while I’m not really aware of her meta so I’m kinda letting him have that one for now. She’s kind of null for me RN.

I’m flip flopping a bit on Arete, but I’m leaning towards them being a villager because I think wolf!Arete would be a bit more scared of our slot. Still think their thought process initially was weird, but that discussion is over :eyes:

Nappy is weird and compared to prior town games of his I think there’s certainly difference

This post (and in turn, a lot of Wazzas ISO) feels kind of performative

I know DatBird has a bit more of an obvious meta though so I’m opting to read more into his posting since I historically tunnel Wazza a lot

To which I say his posting is okay but not spectacular

Kinda thinking Centuries is a villager ATM (keep in mind I don’t really know their meta and I couldn’t find the scumgame they directed me towards on MC)

Zero fucks attitude

Now, to my understanding, sulit and Centuries have some history together (correct me if I’m wrong)

My logic here is sort of similar to why I think Arete is a villager

I think wolf!Centuries would be more hesitant to push a villager who knows them so well like this

This post is a bit weird though

I think most of their other posts are good though

I’ll wait for how he explains these reads before I actually make a read on TBE, I don’t think any of his other posts are super AI

I’m probably reading too much into this but I think it’s kinda weird?

A lot of their ISO is giving me slightly weird vibes but I think my opinion is slightly OMGUS here

I feel like their push might be in bad faith but that’s not an overwhelmingly strong read

I’d move our vote, but Marshal doesn’t want me to move it quite yet.

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