I’m going off of memory

Ami seems to be taking what you’d call a ‘laid back’ stance

They keep to themselves and hold cards close to themself

And yes, that’s all i have rn

(Read up a little more, and these stuck out):

This completely ignores the question and its not that bad to re-state your reads - its something you should want to do

This is also OMGUS and this is much less dominating then usual still

Give something else

A lot of that post just seemed like words

Some of it was actually substance, but just saying ‘make yourself townier’ ‘dont quickhammer’ ‘Joat dont out’ felt like just trying to produce content because all of this is just easy writing anyone can write because everyone already knows it

[quote=“Arete, post:348, topic:82543”]

This makes me feel slightly better about Arete because it makes sense

But also the right reasons on the wrong person


Their push on Nappy is good enough - the thought process is clear

They can lean V, but ill need a re-read


I disagree

…Thank you Derps, very cool.

Can you at least quote posts that gave your gut these reads?

Once you fully catch up, can you elaborate on your opinion on Napoleon? Notably, if it changed from this post, and why?

Also, just realized that I forgot.

Claiming Cop with a N0 green on Centuries/Seth.

Cop doesnt get a n0 here b r u h

Don’t quite know what you’re talking about, Blue.


Memes aside:

Why do you disagree?

Other than the whole “lol i saw their classcard” thing, why do you think you haven’t been underwhelming?


Ive provided reads and enough backing up to warrant early reads

Except for Nappy(Just because a lot of talk has revolved around them), ill try to town-case them on PC and when I have the motivation…and the PC

I haven’t really tried to get myself into townreads as much as i might’ve done in other games by doing towntells i pretend i dont know but I have contributed when I was around by making reads and comments that might’ve not been thought by others before

Dont see how its ‘underwhelming’

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Shrug. I’d personally like to see more from you by EoD but we’re not even 12 hours in so I’m not gonna call you out on my twitter dot com for that yet.

Highly serious, not at all randomized readlist

1 = Lockscum
2 = Scumread
3 = Scumlean
4 = Null
5 = Townlean
6 = Townread
7 = Locktown

(katze / marshal) Locktown
(arete / ami) Lockscum
(Napoleon) Scumread
(TheBlueElixir) Locktown
(Wazza / DatBird) Lockscum
(ModeShifter / Centuries) Townread
(Jane) Scumlean
(Derps / Gorta) Lockscum
(Sulit / Orange) Null

Highly serious readlist, unordered within tier


(katze / marshal)
(arete / ami)
(ModeShifter / Centuries)

Everyone else

(Wazza / DatBird)
(Derps / Gorta)
(Sulit / Orange)

None of this list is influenced by Marshals reads.

Feel free to ask me to elaborate on any of these reads.

Slots I actively think might be wolves

Anyone who actually kept going to see who was on this list probably cares too much about their appearance, to be honest.

If you cheated then you’re a nerd.

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I mean it’s better to do that kinda thing Day 2.
As the JOAT can’t N0.
Still not caught up yet but I’ll be back on in a bit.

Also we are the NWO.
Don’t you forget it!

/vote Sulit

ISO is mostly shade, or at least that’s how I take a lot of their posts

Also, they dont liked my slot(but never vote me), so this also gets to be OMGUS


Anyway i have to sleep and wanted to vote some that wasn’t arete and this isn’t a bad place to be

I’m down.
/Vote Suilt

Ban Count

Voted Voters Votes
Romeo and Juliet Napoleon 1/5
The Scientists Jane, Derps/Gorta 2/5
Napoleon MarshalKat, Romeo and Juliet 2/5
DatBird/Wazza Sulit/orange 1/5
Sulit/Orange TBE, New World Order 2/5

Fun Link {won’t ruin your day probably}
Fun Link 2 {probably less interesting}
Fun Link 3 {I don’t give shit}
Fun Link for Sulit



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wanna go further into this, or just :sheep:

It’s mainly a pressure vote.

Thread is slow, I feel like shit, time for things

sulit wagon is no, sulit is my top villager read at this point, I think i’ve identified how to read her and she is town, cease that

kat disagrees but atp idrc about that

TBE is super underwhelming honestly. He has like barely been posting and he’s a solo spot and classic hyperposter what is he doing this game. His pushes and reasonings have been like so unbelievably meh and I don’t like it. I tinfoiled him as town for having bad reasoning behind reads but I don’t feel like that’s enough at this stage in the game. I asked kat if they thought the tinfoil was good and got “idk” and at this point I agree wholeheartedly

Dat’s iso is weird honestly I feel like I alternate from “obvious town is obvious” to “:joy_cat: caughtscum dybu dabu :joy_cat:” Like his later posting isn’t bad and he’s not really differing from his town meta but his early posts especially the first 4 are weird and idk what to think. I asked kat what they thought on dat and got “idk they are weird they need to post more” (thanks kat :wink:) and it feels like we are in the same vein

so much of this game is “idk”

I have slots I strongly like such as aret and soolit and ones I don’t like such as nappy

but the other 5 slots are all just… idk man


maybe we need more posts



are all in this weird nullzone

@ChopChop talk to me. What is your mindset this game. What is your game plan.

@TheBlueElixir can you make more like ISOs, and cases. Or maybe just one? I just want you to deepdive a slot, read their iso, and come to a conclusion, with reasons

@DatBird I want to see more posts of yours. You may not like it but you are a fairly easy volume clear so if you are town your volume should be, y’know, clearing.

@Jane most of your posts have been fixating on my slot and in this weird argument can you please give your thoughts on other people and other people’s posts. You can have your tunnel and all but I at least want your takes on other people and other people’s posts.

Derps/Gorta… uh have fun getting checked by us tonight :^)

For real I can’t fucking read derps and I can try at gorta but if for whatever reason the joat doesn’t want or need to copcheck me and kat this is a slot that always gets yeeted later down the line and it’s one who’s alignment is probably easiest found via mechanics.

I’m not going to ping derps and ask him to elaborate on his reads but i’ve done that to no avail for months so it’s useless

Well Marshal I am the NWO.
We are the favours and give hope and inspiration to this game.
If your asking regarding reads and who I think is most likely scum. I would have to go with Jane.
I just voted Suilt for pressure.

Still waiting for their response towards it.

Pretty sure she’s asleep

so I don’t think you will get a response for a while

@ChopChop can you answer this? And I don’t want your hydra’s specific mindset, I want yours in particular.

Gut :slight_smile:

He’s not being performative on purpose, he’s doing a play that is non optimal imo

That means you want to stop the argument from continuing right? You wouldn’t say that to a SR of yours

An issue of mine is, this post is bad, but it’s not scum bad and you literally just jump onto the Nap case

But is it in good faith? Feel like you just don’t like slot for playing badly, is his mindset bad? Probably, is his mindset scumlike? I don’t think

Here’s the other weird part, I won’t say scummy because I actually think it’s townie but Nappy actually takes this Marshal post seriously

It has some “truth” (as in Marshal logic) in it but then it’s obviously not 100% serious but Nappy treats it as such

idk I kinda mindmeld Nappy regarding Marshal’s push onto him

legit funny

I don’t think Marshal slot is too scummy yet, I haven’t read Katze much but Marshal seems ok

This is the only part of this post of yours that I think genuinely has something scummy and not just “bad play”

I think it’s TvT so far

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Your defense of nap here is that bad =/= wolfy

we can agree his mindset is bad but I think that it is specifically more likely to be wolfy, in poisonous mafia, for example he had a really good and clear mindset and was a shining pillar of villageriness. And this game, his mindset is so wack and convoluted and not good and I just don’t think it lines up with how he would play as villa. He said he would stop the playstyle change (and he did, and his posting is no longer utterly abhorrent) but I don’t think I buy that he thinks he needs a playstyle change or that his posting was 100% because of a playstyle change.

Also, sidenote, can people stop dismissing my pushes? All the fucking time I see “oh yeah it’s marshal he strongly believes his push so he’s town but it’s marshal so it’s probably nothing”

People, please man, woman, or person the fuck up and try to at least understand why I have a read instead of dismissing it as some sort of marshalism and my pushes as TvT.

Also this is post 420 I hope kat is proud.