only scum use text

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kyo why is softing a PR scummy if its been done as both alignments? Is there anything particular here?

Because Marshal has shown evidence to soft scum PR before, and I entirely believe he has more motivation here to soft PR as scum than town
I also believe it’s entirely questionable how they didn’t die last night

Can you go into this part more, cause like u said this and I dont remember you saying why

what is my motivation to do this as scum

and why is it stronger than my shown motivation of “draw nightkill”

kat told me to chill out but like this is so dumb and I can’t like not utterly rip into your case

CCing JoaT was their plan. It’d be incredibly optimal to setup a soft early and then CC JoaT, say if they were redchecked.
And if they hit JoaT ‘cover cover cover’
It didn’t cross my mind once to soft PR at all. I don’t think it’s nessecary at all. If they’re unable to hide themselves it’s their fault if they die :man_shrugging:
Just deal with it

this reminds me of Insurgency when you pushed Marshal

but also

I thought nappy was town

. >_>

…im going to lylo arent I

I was a lone wolf trying to bus him

both games you tried to ‘build a case’ off of one thing and just try to drown out the other side

but also

this is not what I remember from SFoL 60

maybe I should stop using meta but w/e

I wasnt softing pr, but i was definitely gonna do some pr cover this game, as its like optimal to do so. The main reason you do so is if you die there is some way of others to figure it out through all the pr cover. Hence why i said Luxy was going to jk James in that one joat game. You not doing it kinda ruins that makes it likely you are vt. It is obvious Orange got checked last night by modes posting, but unlike the james situation a cop check doesnt stop kills, and doesnt confirm them

that also

fucking hurts town

and it did

“haha it’s their fault if they die” maybe but that doesn’t mean i’m going to try to stop that.

In FoL28, Mode was obvious mystic, but I still did a claimswap to ensure he didn’t fucking die. It would be his fault if he did but I still ensured he didn’t and fooled the cult.

because villagers sucking is a part of the game and it’s still something you have to minimize

this fillipant additude over PR’s in general is like blatantly from a wolf PoV and i’m tilted and i’m going to eat cheeseballs

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While I can’t literally prove this to you without adding you to our chat (and you should very well know this) – I can prove that I orchestrated the exact same plan in my last hydra game.

Screenshot from JK9 Hydra Chat

Very obvious in the screenshot that this was my idea. And again, Arete was in this chat and can verify that it was my idea.

You can read my ISO in that game and see what I did.

Hell, I softed JOAT a tiny bit in this game (I think only once, but I can point it out if necessary), but I told Marshal to do most of it because I was scared that if I did the bulk of it, people would just think it was a direct repeat of JK9.

Your case sucks.

Not really. If your PR cover is absolutely trash you can spew yourself as non-PR. It’s just optimal to not do anything rather than rely on everyone to have good PR cover. It’s better to let the actual PR not give out reads.

How does it ruin it and makes me likely to be VT if I don’t try to look like PR
That makes absolutely no sense

Why didn’t you die, katze
Do you believe your PR cover was good

I think W!arete figured it out but I certainly didnt

I thought we were going to die, but I also was fully aware that a slot of Marshal and katze softing JOAT is… very easy to take as two people who FPS a lot FPSing.

Then why did you decide to cover for PR if you were aware it could very easily spew yourself as non-PR

Like this is just getting off the point, but PR cover if done well, everyone claims d2 of some action and thats it for pr cover. That way when the pr inevitably dies or outs, you have their actions. Not giving it just makes you look vt especially if others are. Sure u wont get nightkilled for outing what u did, but if u did u had at least 6 other people doing it with ya, and not giving reads as pr is the dumbest thing i have heard this week. That just gets you lynched or outed day 1 cause you were gonna get lynched

Because it still got me killed over the dude who slipped as JK in JK9 – and because it’s exactly what I’d do if I did roll JOAT.

I don’t expect a 100% success rate, but I felt that us trying to soft JOAT had higher odds of us baiting the nightkill than if we didn’t.

And who do you think is good enough to see past that cover