I have tried to do that and I a am proud of Derps for doing the same

Could you dm me the link later or is it that discord?

also I have friends online

specifically, why is boldness for arete…that out there


consider it then

id rather vote arete then you, but if I live today I die tonight and id rather leave it off better

in front of me lies

Arete…oh yeah and ami

because we lynched all of the other non-hydras

amelia/ami havent really existed, at least in some sort of quantity

katze I kinda forgot about after they made a post with colors in it



this reflects my reads better. I havent re-evaled gorta in forever, not even that confident in dat after reading their d2(arete/dat might be a pair to look into), and marshal may need a reread after tunneling them in like every game

so in short

I feel dumb for not being confident in lylo

but also

there is no also

there is just lylo

and dead villagers

and a 50/50 chance which isnt too bad


alcohol? Consumed.
Being a lazy shit? done.
Oh yea
it’s towncarry!Amy time

TBE has no actual fucking content in his ISO to speak of other than limp ass reads that were generally arm twisted out of him and funni hehe jokes. If this wasn’t Lylo he would have been voteparked SoD deadass

Derps is horrendous
See: EoD 1
He has actual content but most of it is just gut reads. He’s probably just lazy tbh
Gorta is the only actual saving grace for the slot. He’s has been rather towny and I don’t think the way he’s posting is W!Gorta. The way he interacted with the kyoVArete/Ami makes no sense from a wolf perspective. It’s was a V/V fight so a wolf gorta doesn’t care in that situation as either way V dies

If Marshkat is scum we’ve already lost ggs.

Dat/Amelia/Wazza is just AAAAAAAAAAAAA and i don’t want to touch that slot as i don’t know where to begin with it

TBE is the most likely wolf imo
The second wolf is in Dazzmelia or Derps/Gorta

if marshkat is scum we’ve lost already



That is derps though and our vote will likely go to your slot tbqh


if you are actually town and seriously think I’m a wolf why do you think I played, like, any part of this game the way I played it

I get that you really want to have actually had a correct read for once but like

your theory doesn’t actually make sense

the only actual “point” your slot has is that I was wrong about Kyo, which, like, yes, I was wrong, I cop to that


I begged the people who were townreading Kyo to explain why because I didn’t want to make a mistake

and no one was able to give a better explanation than ‘meta’ or ‘tone’

but ooOOOooo Arete was wrong only scum can misread people oOooOOOooOOOooooo this is definitely a well thought out take made by someone playing competently OOOOoOooOOo

I don’t know why you played this game the way you did, but in my opinion you are a wolf. Even someone like Marshal is having serious doubts about you and he has been hard defending you for a while

I am not the type to just want to be right because I want to win and I haven’t seen much from you that isn’t fakeable and you already know what I think of your Kyo push

The Kyo execution just made me lock in the SR on your slot

We told you that it was a mix of Nappy’s tone, Kyo’s posts were decent until that slot was tunneled, and understanding what a tunnel can do to you

You know this is not why I am SR’ing you. Yeah, it is a part of why I SR you, but that’s not the only thing. I have defended you when you were wrong and town, but I don’t think you are town here

I should be sleeping soon

muh tone

If you actually think I’m a wolf here you should be able to answer this question.

Nothing about my play here makes any fucking sense in worlds where I’m a wolf. Like, yes, I was wrong on Kyo! I am aware I was wrong on Kyo! But like.

If I were a wolf Marshal would’ve died N1 because I was hard-JoaT-reading him, the fact that I was doing so is visible in my Iso. If I were a wolf I never kill sulit/orange after that slot insists I’m just town, like, you can check my previous wolf games, unless I have strong mech reasons I don’t WifoM my kills as scum.

If I were a wolf I have no reason to go out of my way to antagonize your slot. If I were a wolf I’d be perfectly happy to answer every inane question that anyone this game cares to ask. If you actually think about my actions they don’t make sense from the perspective of a wolf basically ever but no, aReTe WaS wRoNg AnD dIdN’t WrItE a WaLlPoSt So ThEy MuSt Be Scum.

And frankly, no one in the game actually makes sense as my partner, this usually isn’t a good argument but it’s literally LyLo, at some point you have to start thinking about which teams make sense.

Your slot has refused to put more than the most level-one thought into this game and frankly I’m hoping my read on you is wrong because that would at least explain why your play has been so aggressively atrocious.

And I disagreed! Wow! Gosh! What a concept!


I want you to read this post and tell me what alignment you think I was in the game I linked


(and what alignment the person I was writing the post about was)

You are trying to prove a point, so I would say, scum leading on a towny


Now can you drop your bullshit ‘Arete didn’t write a wallpost so they don’t believe what they’re saying’ thing.

It’s not about the wallpost, it’s about your case. It was never just “write a wallpost”, but I wanted you to make a wallpost summarizing your case with quotes explaining why you think Kyo’s tone was “bad” and why Nappy was “scummy” and such. What about Nappy having TMI? You never made a big thing explaining that either


Fuck off.

I summarized my case for you, every fucking point I made was explained in my Iso and if you aren’t willing to re-read my posts because I didn’t make them in a pretty dressed-up wallpost that’s. On. You.

My points don’t get less valid just because I make them spread across multiple posts.


and this post is actually just blatantly false
