pat pat tis ok


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More accurate way too describe it is


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i’m saying there was five town and 4 wolves

KyoDaz and…?

Actually we were masons with marshal/kat :^)


Going to assume you mean Derps’ slot then.

While I don’t entirely disagree (not because of you gorta, you were mostly fine), I don’t think it’s a good idea to call people wolves.

They tried their best, and while their play wasn’t good (as expected of Derps) they weren’t gamethrowing or just not playing the game. cough Italy cough.

yeah sulit you did really good

we had a channel evaluating other teams pregame and originally we had “orange super scary, sulit kind of scary, scariest slot in game, lets kill it n1”

and then it was “orange hasn’t done anything but sulit is very very scary lets kill n1”

and we would have if we didn’t think you had some vt-like posts and mode wasn’t being mode


orange and I basically spent the whole N1 having anxiety we would die

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you would have if it weren’t for mode

if we were town I do think kat and I die there but uh we knew we weren’t joat which made finding the actual one easier

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Exactly what I said in our chat lmao

Not that that was a particularly hard one but sulit sure seemed surprised :laughing:

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Still, she absolutely went way harder on it than I was willing to at that point, so it absolutely would have been her dragging my ass over the finish line there had we lived

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moral of the story: sulit goat


I think Derps did great near the end because he was starting to explain his stuff a bit

tbf I liked his early takes because they were similar to mine so I could just kinda feel them

Possible, I didn’t even read the last day, I just already knew town was going to misexe.

Still, for a game I read all of, I probably actually bothered to process half

The arguments and shouting matches really pushed me out of the game ngl

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orange in scumchat we were seeing what you had read in thread by looking at likes and I noticed you liked a bunch of anti datwazza and anti marshalkat things and so I was nervous as fuck and I knew you were gonna tunnel me

but then I was like… your 2nd highest townread

so uh

joat softs kind of saved us there