thats not very cash money of you

I have read Nappy’s ISO and I don’t think Nappy is a wolf here tbqh, as this is how Nappy has acted in his last few town games. I could make a case on that, but I think Blue has already done that.

@Arete @Ami present your case as to why Nappy should be hung

Grumble grumble.

I don’t really put much effort into reading Arete and usually save them for later. I’m usually like “Yep that’s fine. Ok Arete’s fine.” And if they’re still alive later I’ll put more effort into it.

So I don’t really have any other reason then Arete fine.

I’ll give you their case.

[quote=“Arete, post:348, topic:82543, full:true”]

This is called, “I found a new reason to scumread Napoleon because he’s pushing me”.


I will post an Arete ISO in a bit, but Nappy is acting like his town self from the last few games I have played with him


I still want to lynch Dat but now I’m lazy and just waiting for orange to get on so he can call me an idiot.

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Thanks for the post. Still think your wolf, so I have another question.

If you know I’m a villager, why should I reconsider your slot assuming you are a villager too?

You’ve been literally defending yourself by arguing that I’m a wolf, not that you are a villager.

Honestly Marshal, if you want to maintain your scumread that you decided to make 10 posts in, then I think that only my flip will convince you otherwise, assuming you’re a villager.

I dont like this post


What… defending myself using an … “objective pre-flip”?

this post

me no likey

its just accepting that ‘hey, your tunneling me’

That’s what he’s been fucking doing for the entire game.

He’s not going to reconsider unless he imagines a scenario where I’m villager to him and then re-looks the game.

Might ISO DatBird later, but this took a lot of effort/willpower and it was an only 25 post ISO :upside_down_face:

Wazza ISO

I kind of feel like this specific post is shade disguised as a meme

ISO starts off with memey posts, a vote in RVS, and then he stops when he realizes he’s used 5/150 posts in the first few minutes.


Probably NAI – although the fourth post is the tiniest bit of :eyes:

This unvote is like

I feel like it’s mildly performative

Don’t really need to make a huge deal over an unvote less than an hour in the game :upside_down_face:

This isn’t even post 10 and it’s the second time he’s been like “haha, im posting too much!” and… I don’t know how I feel about that?

As for the yellow part: READ :upside_down_face:

“i should stop wasting posts”
“yeah im posting too much”
posts this

and this

Although at least this has… some resemblance of relevancy.

I remember when I was skimming DatBirds ISO earlier that he was pretty defensive

I don’t really like the overall defensiveness of this slot, but I actually don’t hate this line of two posts

Maybe I’m thinking too hard about this, but I think the green parts come off as someone trying to understand another players thought process

This isn’t something that wolves can’t do, as he could be a wolf trying to figure out why hes being scumread and it’d probably come out about the same, but I’m vibing with the “and fast” part, honestly?

I feel like that nuance of it comes from town more than not, it feels more like they’re prepared to catch a potential wolf off guard than trying to get a villager to explain their scumread on wolf!Wazza

These posts exist

The yellow part is giving me very mixed feelings

I almost feel like its wolfy self awareness

But I don’t get why a wolf would include that

but why would a villager?

I have a weird take that as a wolf, Wazza would probably spam ping Dat in scumchat rather than post about this in thread

This post is weird

I don’t think it’s AI

but I don’t know why it exists because its not like anyone was super spammy at this point?

I have a weird take that as a wolf, Wazza would probably spam ping Dat in scumchat rather than post about this in thread

I have a weirder take that the fact they posted this again is probably villager AI

I’m pretty sure Wazza has spam pinged me in scumchats before and I don’t really see why he wouldn’t do it here

but I don’t think he cares about his self image here at all

because this is a weird post out of context

If this weren’t Wazza I’d say that this tone likely comes from a villager but it’s Wazza and I don’t think it’s AI in this case

Kind of the same case as last post, tbh

I should actually probably skim Hydra JK9 to see how this hydra pairing interacts

I remember scumreading them a bit in that game (they were a villager)

I still find it hard to believe the Vanilla Nightless ‘derpclears’ were an accident but you’ve been insistent about that for a while, and IIRC you had a small derp in RM4 but not one to the absurd extent as Van.Nightless

From what I can remember from FoL28, your tone as Feathering was different from what I remember from past Wazza games, but… thats the point of alting, nerd.

Plus you were a neutral with no wincondition for most of that game.

Conclusion: I wanna do a shorter dive on DatBird later to get a true conclusion, although Marshal insists that he’s an obvious villager. Probably still gonna do that later anyway, cause Marshals a nerd.

Wazza has a few :eyes: posts, but still overall I get towny vibes

AlsoArete, your point about me tunnelling is a bad point because I was a vanity wagon.


I literally don’t need to towncase myself when you’ve been doing it for me

every time you try to actually write a case on me you’re like ‘okay this part is villagery but Arete is still a wolf for calling out my TMI’

it’s almost like you’re trying to case someone who you have TMI is town

and failing because, despite going out of your way to misrepresent things as much as possible, you can’t twist them that hard

and like

I don’t need to defend my slot

when the points you’ve made against me are:

  • Arete did a bunch of things that I (Napoleon) self-admittedly don’t think are actively wolfy
  • Arete called out Napoleon for his blatant TMI
  • Arete pointed out that a useless filler question was a useless filler question

when I didnt particularly think that was the case

least didnt think he said anything about your slot recently besides the vote

Im p sure he voted you as an RT for me so

I guess that exists

maybe you have a different PoV about it

Do you really think that the only way i’ll see you are town is with your flip?

walk me through that

if you are town do you think there’s no chance I get out of the tunnel? why?

My point isn’t that you’re tunnelling

My point is that you’re literally ignoring every other slot

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