at the time mindsets, to be clear, like not now with omni pressence of the flips?

Eating food, will be back in a bit.

Marshal said he wouldn’t be around for a few hours.

mainly one sided convo, telling amelia to like post more and give reads.

I have arrived for now

Hopefully don’t get distracted too much by the other ongoing game that I’m hosting


lemme grab the VCs for this

Voted Voters Votes
Romeo and Juliet Kyo, Derps/gorta 2/5
Jane New World Order, Wazza/Dat, Scientists, sulit/orange 4/5
Dat/wazza Jane, Romeo and Juliet 2/5

hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm probably woulda sheeped orange when he said to not kill higher skill level players d1

I think once Jane refused to self prez I couldve related it to his push on me(like his push on marshal) in SFoL 61.5?


either your(dazza) or Jane’s wagons, I cant say for certain what I was thinking then

Banned Banners Number thing
KyoDaz Arete/Ami, DatBird/Amelia, Marshal/kat, KyoDaz 4/4
Arete/Ami Derps/Gorta 1/4
TBE Sulit/orange 1/4

easily my own

kyo’s wagon

Arete had a list I liked then and Kyo made alot of questionable plays


Imma look into NK analysis on Orange Sulit, and see what their reads were around EOD. Not gonna do Mode as it felt like they prob died to being PR

but if we spend the whole day not quoting anything from previous days and snapvote and kill off someone of a lower skill level then we instantly win

WoW and DGADT intensifies

(anyway im going to do the same thing)

orange: Dat/TBE/Kyo PoE, taking Derps out of PoE

sulit: tunnelled on Datzzalia, some tinfoil on Marshal W as the explanation for how ModeCenturies died overnight

sulit moved TBE up a bit D2

Dat good Wazza bad

so like

I feel like I’m trying to do NKA

and coming up with the same things I already thought, which were ‘Datslot/Derpsgorta/TBE PoE with Derpsgorta towniest’



it makes me worried that I’m just seeing things that reinforce the opinions I already had

if that makes sense

kyo was VT

I am VT

orange also voted me at EoD


the square does not fit into the circle


walk me through how your read on Datwazza has evolved over the course of the game?


their(wazza and dat) first posts were alot of fluff

so i didnt like that

but at EoD1 I think it picked up(specifically referring to that post where they defend themself) - though I dont think I really noticed that until d2

now im here

I think their probably town, and dont really wanna shank them

Well I pulled out all these quotes but you and TBE kinda finished before me, coming around the same conclusions.


id like to know your progression on them too, because I dont think you really read them d2

any thoughts of my day 2? Cause this kinda ends at Day 1?

took me until d2 to actually look at your d1

and no, I dont really remember what you did d2, because I spent the whole time justifying my d1 reads

thats like hella dissapointing,

D1: ‘mrrr their posts feel kinda fake’

‘why is Wazza getting so defensive’

‘idk Marshal thinks they’re locktown for some reason??? I should try to understand why’

‘hEdGy WaLlPoSt LoCkScUm’ this might have been earlier

‘oh fuck it’s EoD I have to make a decision’

‘aaaa okay my viable wagons are Jane and DatWazza and I kinda think Jane would self-pres on me here as scum??? I guess?? I’ll vote there’


‘Kyo is WOLF WOLF WOLF which means DatWazza is probably town because some of their interactions are kind of non-W/W’

‘have I mentioned that Kyo is a wolf’


‘mrrrr some parts of TBE’s Iso feel kind of W/W with DatBird, I should re-read them next’

‘wow Amelia has no reads’

‘wow Wazza also has no reads’

‘Dat has a post I liked. oh. night is over.’

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Well you have time now, Derps is still not here so we dont have to worry about any quick votes

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