ill probably spend this day doing a bit of backreading and trying to read people to a hopefully higher quality as its lylo and all

but thats where im at


that was supposed to reply to dat

We didn’t talk as much as I had hoped to, but we discussed a few reads. I believe he was preparing a start of day wallpost as well, but he isn’t here to actually post it.

Me and Marshal disagreed somewhat on Derps/gorta (I think they’re wolfier than Marshal thinks) and TBE (I think he’s less wolfy than Marshal thinks) but every other slot was about in the same order.

same order as yesterday? or like same order on both of ya lists? and if so what are these lists

The latter.

I wanted to talk to him a bit more after we saw the nightkill, but we both agreed on Arete/orange on top, your slot in the middle, and then Derps/TBE at the bottom. It hasn’t changed too much since D2, though.

I want to fully discuss each read in depth again with Marshal before any votes are cast, but after that WoW game I’m not entirely sure if that’s a possibility.

Well hopefully the site learns from that game, and takes this slow

Yeah I’ll post it when I get on PC

I knew arete would do something similar (they did) so not worried

How generic and lylo helpful tips is it?

generic lylo tip 100

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It’s generic lylo tips but like forceful

And it’s an actual process I wanna do

Will be explained in like ~10 mins or less

is it

‘scummy player votes someone and crossvote’

just link the MU article Marshal

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yes it was doing that

It also had like the same meme you made but in green text format

And yelling at people to not snap vote

Basically you stole all my thunder

gets caught in multiple lies
selfhammers and cuts day off early
TMI’s arete v before selfhammering

“KyoDaz was a member of the town”

gfdi either way nerds


We need to give time for everyone to speak. Full on fucking re-eval from me at least. The last two recently ended games had bad LyLos. One of them was over in 15 minutes and one of them yeeted someone called obvious town by dead townies.

We are going to actually go through this LyLo and spend time on it. Actually look at possible teams and NKA and other things.

DONT SNAP VOTE (looking at you derps). We should be, and will, follow this article


We should all form a consensus, and when that is done, force the scummiest player to vote first, and the scummiest after that, etc.

we are doing this LyLo right.

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we didn’t like… talk very much

I kinda planned to just solve today but we talked over a few slots and… not much else

this will be hard

I dont fully understand the benefits of the article but its mafia theory and I do understand how to do it, so yes, lets try

basically we want wolves to be forced to vote wolves if possible

I’m not sure if i’ve ever seen it happen in a LyLo on this site but we can’t just outright have the villageriest players yolovote whoever becuase if they are wrong it’s an instaloss

That being said I am going to reread or at least skim the whole thread with the NK in mind

I was pretty sure it was going to be orange or us but I didn’t want to outright preflip anything so I have waited on most of my solving

will probably have a lot of questions for y’all when i’m done



Not much, but I can go into detail after getting done babi sitting