[FM] Hell in a Cell D6 Mafia - FACES WIN! SULIT CHAMPION!

My read on Italy is purely town but I don’t have any idea what the actual difference is I just read it and think it’s scum or town Italy

I think it might have to do with how comfortable Italy is in the read and the nature of the jokes he makes? I’m not certain but that’s my best guess

Purely tone*

It’d be interesting if so, but I don’t think I’ve ever been able to tell the difference in his jokes in particular.
Would be great if you found examples (even if after the game, if your read happens to be correct).

Thing is, I do really think he’s likely scum and if he is, I’d feel terrible letting him get away with fallacious and stupid arguments + AtE.

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Why doesn’t Ami push Wazza and instead piles on their null?

i’m the person who constantly goes on about how AtE is completely pointless, actually

Here are some of italys early posts. Reading them their pretty obv out their, and very loud. These are meant to be seen and he obviously doesn’t feel uncomfortable

now if we compare those too NUF

Comparativley the jokes are very tame, and less our their. Italy doesn’t like to draw too much attention to himself as scum so while he still makes joke posts and such their much more tame and UTR

thank you for informing me of this so you can never use this argument, ever again :eyes:

This is how I read italy. Hes much less comfortable in thread as scum

In fact Ami says Wazza looks “fucking bad” for being opportunistic on voting Light but Light is Ami’s preferred vote.

I would’ve expected more concern about these two reads and trying to sort this out?

Astand how are you at 200 posts

you know theirs a PR of 200 posts right?

astand this is your last post
i advise you make it count

199, this one is 200th. I will be at EoD, so I’m not concerned, and it’s not like there is necessity to me to make epic arguments immediately now.

I’m heavily thinking about potentially lynching Ami today tbh.
IF Italy isn’t scum (and if I simply choose to trust Derps on that), Ami’s vote is probably the worst one.
Sure, they made some reads, I’m not a fan of how they lead to their actions however. (meaning I see some disconnect)

Wouldn’t hurt if they address what they were thinking.

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I wouldn’t be overly opposed to an Ami lynch TBH

I wouldn’t be overly opposed to an derps lynch TBH

/Vote Ami

Choo Choo

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lynch derps

see you in two hours

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Italy could you place a vote for me please

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vote derps