[SFM] NUF FM - GAME OVER - Mafia, Zone and DatBird Victory

i can somewhat understand where you’re coming from

personally it might be unlikely since i don’t really know how seth!wolf plays but still an understandable point

its more likely that wolf!seth would pocket soolit instead of being true w/w

I regret not changing my name back to sulit before this game started its weird everyone’s calling me soolit lol


general question
you have a vig shot
who do you shoot

Probs cheese or evo rn

why does the chat die a few minutes before i get here

This is from a Town PoV

it gets really lonely in here

Oh the Modes is just part of my character


because me had interview

I was like
you need to be scum to be able to joke about this
then got confused


im not liking this

I really don’t think light would be bussing
which makes sulit/light not W/W, and im leaning towards a W/V one way or another

He’s doing exactly that
because although there’s nothing wrong with your argument
it’s just too weak to clear anyone this early on

NAI, but a comment
light has one piece of evidence (seth from hydra) and is using that
I really see this slot as a newbie
pressure would be nice

it’s like
with 270 posts

why did i not notice this

this interaction:

I think people will agree with me here.

But this was light’s response:

light wanted to emphasize that he and i are not on the same team

for some reason that looks to me as someone who knows that we are not the same alignment


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Last parts contradicted
If I’m Puppeting them or they are Puppeting me it isn’t SvS.
Plus if we were scum buddies I probably wouldn’t have went about it the way I did.

As for you.
If your scum I can see you with Cloned.
I highly doubt you and Soolut are scum but I don’t know how you play so it’s possible you could take that route into bussing your scum buddy as me as scum I also tend to Bus more then defend them.

please don’t make this typo ever again
im sorry sulit i had to

Another thing to note is at the beginning of the game with you I was being lazy and didn’t really feel like posting that much plus you were the same slot as me so it wasn’t really necessary at the time for me to go off.

It could also mean you both are the same alignment.
I guess it depends on how you look at it.

Same as in Scum.

Do I think it’s possible your both Town?
But it’s more likely W/W or T/W more then T/T.

well i know my alignment to be a villager

but even if i wasn’t

light is scum either way

Villager as in Town or as in Vanilla?

Yes I admit my wording isn’t all that great but my point about it was soolit had a Paragraph rather then the one liners that I usually see from them.