FM III | Lucid Dreamers | Canned / Dreamers Win

Good evening everyone. I have been following this game and I have had permission to make a post regarding a certain aspect of the game.

The aspect that I’m referring to is the flavour that the mods may use for their games. Just because a mod has used specific flavour, it does not mean that the flavour you have read is linked to the game at all. Take it from a semi-experienced Forum Mafia player and Forum of Lies player.

Point I’m trying to make, never use anything from the flavour based to make your arguments, as this could actually not be true and you are potentially killing an innocent person.

That’s it from me. Enjoy playing the rest of the game, and thank’s Ici for letting me make this point as we have had a massive discussion what is angleshooting as well as gamethrowing, so this is something new people need to learn.


Flavor text.
Also, a frame that would have involved another reason of killing would’ve let me off the hook- so this what the only way for ici to make the frame effective.

Thank you, Wolf. We now return to your regularly scheduled FM game.

No no and no. I did not investigate what you are, but rather what you did.
Regardless, protecting yourself is a bad idea, because nobody could confirm that you did anything. I do not believe you.

SO, to repeat my point. my dream framed myself. you may or may not beleive that. i don’t deny that unknown has invested me. And yes, framing is framing all around. Not just putting a sticker on someone’s face saying nightmare. It must’ve been the action as well.
What i’m trying to figute out if why, unknown invested me.
Seeing how he said it was because i didn’t vote a nightmare~wich i did, actually
and then saying it was because lymphoma voted me~ but nothing about the other persons that voted me, meaning that he probably panicked and searched for another reason.

no, I meant that it was a mistake, Sad Snake. Still, it worked…

who roleblocked pkr?

Probably Orange, because both smelled of roses and Dama probably dreamt of roses being given out to everyone else who visits PKR.

how would you know that dama dreamt of roses?

I dont know it, but just remember what dama said and did today.

Well~ i guess i made my point. i’ll wait for the rest of the people to come in and tell what they did.
-And yes, i made a mistake, because it’s my first time playing any mafia game whatsoever.
wich is also why i’m really sweaty right now.

which is what


tries and fails to stifle a laugh
i just realized something
roses! thats great!
you know how someone rbd pkr?
they escorted him, hence the rose smell

is there a standing joke about how pkr and someone else are lovers?

Anyways, I dreamt that Sad Snake dreamt of unleashing an attack… so… can you vote the snake?

Ahaha- sure. i dreamed something that framed myself- so i don’t beleive unknown is nightmare. So, unless anyone has more info to give us, i guess i’m a good enough lynch.

but then again, unknown reasons for investigating me are quite fishy- Keep that in mind when i flip dreamer.

but it says that orange was killed by “several scaly hands”

not snake demons

Look at the message before. this is a flavor text~ it doesn’t really matter.

true, but you also said that you dreamt of scaly armor, and unknown mis-saw your dream, so someone probably framed you