FM III | Lucid Dreamers | Canned / Dreamers Win

I can’t tell what it is exactly for it to work. just know it would make me proven without a shadow of a doubt the next day. if it works as i intend it to.
it doesn’t matter anyway, as i’m getting lynched today.
exept if you give me another night, wich is extremely unlikely- and a bad play, as i’m potentially nightmare.

Tell us who visited pkr because one of them is blackmailer and probably nightmare

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Wow it has been 5 hours and when I ask a question to you without tagging, you appeared lol

well, to be fair, i wasnt really answering your question
/no lynch i want to see how snakes dream plays out

Rogue is confused on who to vote for so goes back to bed

whatd you do last night, rougue

(Rogue is asleep)

Rogue wakes up (Still nolynch)

what is that??
forcefully shakes rougue to the point of waking up fully

I had a standard dream last night, not a lucid dream.

Damn you Ici
whatd you try and dream about

(I didn’t

Don’t no lynch that’s ignorant.

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well i dont want to lynch snake
so who should we lynch then

How are about we lynch the next person who doesn’t use full stops and capitalization in their posts? Forcing people to read incoherent walls of text is annoying af.


periods, i can agree with,
but capitalization isnt that necessary for understanding a post
(same thing with end sentences; the period just isnt necessary to understand the post)

also, going down a line can function a lot like a period most of the time

@Rogue you were replaced. You needed to have sent in a night action, or at least a ‘I sleep peacefully’ in order to not be.

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well, as i can’t vote myself…