FM III | Lucid Dreamers | Canned / Dreamers Win

/Nolynch I agree with Snek

/vote myself
Does not work
/vote nolynch

I hereby ask some ppl to determine the true nature of SadSnake, if you all somehow do not want to kill the snake.

-Agrees Fullstops needed

  • All post is one long sentence

/vote Simon

Srsly tho we shouldnt lynch Simon but we should lynch someone. It worked yesterday lol.

Hm. as i said, my next dream will very probably prove me (but would only happen to prove me). but if you intend on investigating me, please be sure to dream a way to prevent frames.

What i mean by that is that i can dream a way to prove myself.

did you miss this part?

It makes it incredibly hard to read your posts and is just lazy. It means even if you say something clever you sound illiterate so less likely to be taken seriously.


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just imagine that going down a line before it would normally end is like a semicolon
thats how i read them anyways. I just always hear a pause in my reading when someone jumps a line early, like ending a paragraph

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Well that’s not normal and is just in your head lol.

do you not hear a pause at the end of a paragraph?

Just use full stops dammnit.

Issue with that is when you want to make actual paragraphs.
Also, it’s quite a bad habit, as pressing the “.” button takes as much effort than the enter button, and looks better overall.
It also makes people like hippolytus not ask you to do it.


true, and i do use periods some times. It’s just that, in my head, i have different pause lengths for commas, periods, semicolons, and line-skips

and i generally use line skips to separate thoughts, so one thought thats more than one sentence gets a period and that # of sentences.
But if it’s a separate thought, then it gets a separate line
I guess i do this because i write/type like i talk, and i tend to pause for longer than a period would signify in between thoughts

Are you two seriously having an discussion about how to write paragraphs!!!?


no we’re having a discussion of how to write posts, which can be 1+ paragraphs (rounding up)


What? Do you mean you don’t discuss and argue about various aspect of English grammar online?

I save that for English class.