FM III | Lucid Dreamers | Canned / Dreamers Win

He’s the guy I thought you were at first

?? banned? oh, from tol for gamethrowing, im gonna guess

He had 2 accounts in the same game.

PKR is also Bob so we don’t like them both playing in the same game.


i honestly cannot tell if thats a joke/sarcastic or not

It’s true it was in one of the FoL games.

no, to pkr and bob being the same

Go back and read the game, that’s why they’re both in disgrace.

? then why are they allowed to be in the same game in the first place, let alone not being mod killed

Fade and PKR/Bob are lovers IRL and fade made sure they could both play.

but i thought you just said they were the same person

PKR and Bob are yes

fade is a different person but is their mistress type thing

but couldnt plex modkill them as gm?

It’s not allowed.

No we are not.
The mods can check if need be.
I live nowhere near him and will never associate myself with him in that way
As for being in love, there’s only one wolf who fits it for me. So, yeah. Nice joke

Lies and slander.

[quote=“Hippolytus, post:157, topic:2270, full:true”]
Lies and slander[/quote]
Isn’t that exactly what you’ve been saying about me?
I don’t lie about things like this and I’m serious.
Don’t annoy me here Hip, please.
I have respect for you, but never call me a rule breaker.
I’m a fair player and plan on always being.

ok, i am pretty new. i will probably joke around with you guys, but only when you tell me when its a joke (if i ask)
please try to do that in future

PKR everyone apart from Simon already knew you werent Bob and fade is not your mistress :joy::joy:. If I was genuinely trying to spread slander about you Id try make it half-believable. I was just trollling simon a lil’ bit.

No h8