FM III | Lucid Dreamers | Canned / Dreamers Win

This is English class
pop quiz
this is worth 15% of your grade
turn it in in 20 minutes or whenever you’re done
(get it, its a nightmare :wink: )

Simon admitted being nightmare. ez lynch :stuck_out_tongue:

Nolynch - 3 - Sadsnake, NozBugz, Lymphoma
Simon - 1 - Hippolytus
With 12 alive 7 is majority.

Don’t I have a doublevote?

Thanks for reminding me.

Nolynch - 4 - Sadsnake, NozBugz, Nozbugz, Lymphoma
Simon - 1 - Hippolytus
With 12 alive 7 is majority.

NP. We all mess up.

Is that permanent, or just for today

Just for today, to make up for Rouge not submitting any actions.


I didnt change my vote…

To be fair, I use lack of punctuation to often set a certain tone to my posts, even if most of the time I use correct syntax.

So that isn’t always the case.

oops this is a game thread

my bad

Always writing in basically one long sentence is just lazy and gives me a headache reading lol. If someone can’t be bothered to properly punctuate I’m not gonna be bothered to read it.

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If anyone’s wondering why I’m even saltier than usual today it’s cuz I snapped my key in my door and got in at 6 in the morning btw.

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But, if anything, skipping a line is a more apparent spacing than periods
Like, you can obviously tell the three thoughts in this one post apart from one anther

Okay, seriously, why are we talking about proper grammar?!
This is Throne of Lies!


Yeah lets talk about lynching Sad Snake now. They killed.

Strange that Sad Snake would frame himself.

It’s not like i decided to frame myself. the host interprets the dreams, remember.

Off to sleep now.