[FM] Lord of the Rings Forum Mafia - (25/25) - Signup Thread

Its in there under gameplay :stuck_out_tongue:

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Can people spectate? It looks really fun, but I won’t have time to play.

I may make a spectator thread to discuss stuff happening in game if enough people want it, but I will not have informed spectators because if this game gets compromised, it can never be hosted again given that it is a closed setup.

On the other hand, if the reason you can’t play is because of school, you can easily find enough time to play one or two games while at school. I usually play during school and at home while I’m at school so if you feel up to it, you can try playing this.



Make minimum 10 posts every day, do we have a deal, @Andrej ?

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Otherwise I policy lynch you.

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on topic and not just shrek posts

Okay, let me see if I should sign up for this. Hmmm


I don’t mind not being informed as a spectator, in fact, I prefer it, that way I can also try to deduce/practice scumreading.

Maybe you can find time to play during school, but I really won’t be able to do that for much longer.

Maybe I will do better if I am playing from the beginning…





The hammering passive is gonna make every wagon fucking chaos and i cant wait

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There’s no neutral killing

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Also you don’t explain anything about locations on how they are chosen

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I assume d1 is shire and it follows the story of actual lotr

Pretty sure it works like this.

Oh oop

that’s one way to throw game balance out the window

yeah but like

how does it work

can you vote the same map twice

does mafia get a choice in maps