[FM] Lord of the Rings Forum Mafia - (25/25) - Signup Thread

Hold on you don’t understand let me grab it

If i say imma rp as golem before it starts will i still get modkilled if I do so?


If it doesn’t exist in the op, it don’t exist in game

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That’s literally a different game…

With the exact same mechanic stripped from it to here, just without that statement. They didn’t explain it clearly as that game which could mean that they just expected people to know the mechanic

Days night cycles are 72/24, with the first 24 hours for the day dedicated to voting for the location of the day/night cycle and the remaining 48 hours dedicated to lynching.

OP refers to choosing map for the rest of the cycle

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@Luxy fair warning if my schoolwork gets too much bc i have the sat coming up in october, i will have to replace out of this

i don’t want to and will out if if fills up and stll have ppl that want to join but i’ll play to the best of my ability if it doesn’t

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aw eff it

I think you should

Each map is one use and its public voting

ofc you do lmao

Sounds fun



Is this an in? :wink:



22 (or 23) / 25.
@orangeandblack5 come back here to answer :stuck_out_tongue:


@Luxy you need to correct Dat’s username.
It’s now @DatBird


Don’t think I’ll be able to play but I’ll watch the modkills from the sidelines

You know what
We’re probably gonna need more than one for a 25 player game might as well

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