[FM] Lord of the Rings Forum Mafia - (7/25) - Completed - Mafia Wins!

I’m disappointed, I’m going to bed. When I wake up I want map phase gone.

I’m nearly certain Ginger is town here, this sort of unusual attention-drawing play almost never comes from scum in my opinion.

Cant place one yet.

fair fair


oh! do me do me

thats what she said

I already said and explained that you sound too much like me

Kai definitely sounds like an Irish ryan from the office

you realize im in the states

well then a ryan from the office.

Irish? Well, I know from the flag but…I mean, I said Hippo sounded like a character from Brazil. I dont match nationalities or maybe even gender. I just read what i see and it comes across as something else.

Before I go I recommend playing battle block theater


just look at it, it’s beautiful

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“Shut your faces”


yea it’s a great game

Welp, it be beddy bye time for me too

I cant protect myself during the night or day so it really doesn’t matter to me which map gets picked anymore, as long as it isnt one of my favored ones.

But I dont think it would be good for town should I die so I wont be voting Mt Doom unfortunately. And I do want to get Mordor out of the way as fast as possible so I can feel safe to use my powers later.

So i guess…

/vote Mordor

Mordor!!? Two kills?

Make sure to tag me I will try to respond in about 9 hours

I was mainly wanting that first ability out of the way. If we can ensure town gets the hammer, the second ability shouldnt be a problem, right?

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