[FM] Lord of the Rings Forum Mafia - (7/25) - Completed - Mafia Wins!

looks more like weak distancing

if you flip scum, who should I shoot?

The game ends in 8 hours when the forum thread closes?

This day ends in 8 hours.
Then it’s night phase, where you use night abilities

and you can’t talk in maind thread during night(usually)

Not the game, just the day.

At the end of the day, the person with the most votes will get executed, anything resulting from that will happen, and then it’ll be night, when you can take your night actions.

Wait so how long is the night?

24 hours I believe

I think this is the latest vote counts? From what I gather people start voting me after Kai flip, since he flip scum the wagon is driven by town and scum just decided to sheep it. On the other hand, if Kai flip town the wagon is driven by scum who is looking for another mislynch, but he flip scum so…

24 hours in this match.


Nice try

So who do you think is town on your wagon, and who do you think is scum?

Suddenly, we switch bodies,

you are in my body with my classcard and my thoughts.

Your original slot flips scum, who would you, in my body, shoot

I have a question, when do we shoot people like in the Clown Feista thing? Like when people shot me 7 times?

Those aren’t in this game.

That’s not a thing most games have, and as far as I know it’s not a thing this one has.

Oh I thought that was an event

if your role, however, has a dayvig, you can shoot and hit nearly 100% of the time

There have been “dayvigs,” but those aren’t public (i.e. we don’t know who did them). So far all we can get from that is that PKR was probably claimvigged (killed because he claimed his class abilities) and that there’s some form of town-aligned dayvig.