[FM] Lord of the Rings Forum Mafia - (7/25) - Completed - Mafia Wins!

Maybe you’re trying to mechanically confirm yourself? Or maybe my spew analysis of Dat was totally wrong and Derps is about to deepwolf to endgame, it seems really unlikely but I’m struggling to find any explanations of scum’s play this game that actually make sense.

True that.

doesn’t actually matter i should stop thinking about this
whoever was attacked we can’t conclusively prove. we don’t even have 100% proof blue really did vig arete other than his word and the fact alice claimed to have a vig before
i don’t think we can use mechanical reasoning to find scum unless is a redcheck or something.

wait. derps claimed a redcheck on chiang who died and flipped town.
… i guess we can’t trust redchecks either.

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This is seam personaility based off fandom and this is why you need to pick it vulgard

Seam appears friendly and welcoming but mentions living through many awful things, notably the kingdom drowning in despair and the loss of close friend Jevil to something Seam can’t quite describe. Due to this Seam has become hopeless and cynical. So nihilistic has Seam become that despite referring to Jevil’s destruction as some of the greatest chaos the land has ever seen, Seam is willing to let the heroes release Jevil from prison, believing the end will come sooner or later whether they do or not.

the thing is arete was supposedly vigged and no healer is outing, so arete is either night immune or healed by scum. or bluestorm is lying.

i don’t see a fourth option. a scum healer could theoretically out as a town healer but i doubt they can heal outside of their team so they would be screwed if a town was bled.

(Is it pronounced Seam or Shawm)

actually bluestorm could’ve been occed. that’s the fourth option.


or there’s a healer in the inactives, or an occupier in the inactives

@inactives please play the game, we’re not getting to 14,000 posts without your help

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…we can

@Andrej was the only inactive occupier

Which makes it likely I was attacked - scum may have wanted to occ my hunter shot to make killing me viable

then how are you alive

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Like I said origonally I had a greencheck, their was moderor and I was told it was actually a redcheck, assume I got mindwarped

Ability usage.

Or…and I hate to say it…


Converison comes after investigatives

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I got converted after the day started?

but would have to be occed

I think we can be pretty confident that Derps’s inconsistent results aren’t the result of Chiang being converted.