[FM] Lord of the Rings Forum Mafia - (7/25) - Completed - Mafia Wins!

Tbh, I have been having a hard time wolfing on this website because I can get extremely accurate reads on most players here now, so I have a hard time mislynching people here.

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I’ve recently looked at a Magnus scum game and he did virtually nothing there. When he’s town he pops up at least for a little bit and says something. I didn’t see that here, even though the game began at a time when he easily could’ve posted.

I want him to turn up.

l o s t w o l f m e m e

Well last time he did post, but was fluffposting and nonsense.

This is why I was talking about him being the top target for slank vigs earlier on. He slanks a hell lot as scum.

You just lost ability to make that read on him here

I think you should have to at least want to improve if you want to join a game here instead of just clicking buttons tbh but I know it wouldn’t work as they just wouldn’t join

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Fire if i gave you a dayvig who do u shoot.

Let’s be real, Magnus will be lynched at some point this game regardless of his alignment.

Was there any game when he was not?

I would say the person you want shot then I would shoot someone I want to shoot

Who do u wanna shoot

Probably Solic, not confident enough on shooting someone yet.

Anyone with a confident read and i can equip em

give me the gun, team memesky

Who do you shoot first? Magnus?

Alright, I’m awake and have read through all 1287 posts. It sounds like there’s a strong push for the Mount Doom map, but honestly I’m not convinced that one’s particularly good for us at this point? Like, yes, it gives us information, but it definitively allows the wolves to control the lynch and by outlining exactly what information we expect to get from it we’ve significantly weakened its potential as an information gathering tool. Also, I’ve picked up on at least two people softing ‘TK with significant drawback,’ and since claiming exactly what their power/drawback is opens them up to potential claimvigs (do claimvigs normally work off of a single ability claim? not sure how much risk there is to just claiming one part of their ability and not the whole thing) I think we should trust them on whether the tradeoff is worth it, since they’re the ones who actually have the information to evaluate it.

Rohan seems like the best option from my point of view, we get a lot of information from a double lynch and the drawback isn’t as severe at this point in the game as it would be once we have an idea of who the scum we want to roleblock actually is.

/vote Rohan @Luxy

Mechanically I’d leave him to slank vigs. He gives pretty much no info here regardless of his flip.

If i give it u who do u shoot?

F in the chat

Nah we rohanning tomorrow