[FM] Lord of the Rings Forum Mafia - (7/25) - Completed - Mafia Wins!

assuming blizer lynch doesn’t end the game but you get the idea
it’s kinda eh

We all wifom for the most part

Except Marshal

he is going to perform marshal arts

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Is squid in groupchat?

i have no idea who’s in groupchat and who isn’t at this point it’s been confusing. i know arete has been invited
@Evil_Ginger who’s in groupchat right now

No it’s EG arete derps

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makes me wonder if there’s a member cap but i don’t think there is
i’m not sure who should be invited tonight. if hippo doesn’t want it then i would pick hja or squid if i were ginger

Why not marshal?

If not hippo squid

I can’t be occupied -_-

How bad do you want a cookie

It depends on the flavor… Then again, I like most flavors

I cant say anything about the flavor tho

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with cookie flavour

Do you wanna join the chat or not. I’m tired of using the cookie analogy.

Sure. I wouldn’t mind joining

Would it help you more than if you weren’t?

Counting my chat I am at 1505 posts this game. I’m not even gonna count my rolecard convo.

It might help me decide on who to jail