[FM] Lord of the Rings Forum Mafia - (7/25) - Completed - Mafia Wins!

derps is active in neighborhood chat but doesn’t submit a night action?

I do want to say.

Is there another flipped town redirector or town reidrector claim?

because in a 25p game, no town redirector seems weird

My dumbass didn’t hit reply with my action

U occupation immune?


I am a redirector

occ/red immune

I thought your slot claimed occer?

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you said occupier earlier why is your claim changing
wait i think it was andrej who claimed occupier

Bai I gotta go

anyway that’s not very relevant
what is relevant is that based on my night actions one of derps/squid is very likely to be scum

I think it’s more likely to be Derps than Vul here, Derps was pushing his greencheck on Vul for like three days and now that we’ve PoE’d it to likely be Derps he’s suddenly accusing Vul of being a GF.

this is assuming the masons are real

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vul cleards for FC>derps and mar
so vul/sulit/arete/hip
has 1 maf bt that logic

I have an Idea, lets pick the map and we can see who vul visited :smiley:

currently leaning derps because on second thought noactioning is extremely sketchy

1 it does in role madness too
2 I gave you other reasons I self cleared

if you want to i’m not opposed to it

I AM both

/vote Lothlorien

if it isnt vul we lynch arete