[FM] Lord of the Rings Forum Mafia - (7/25) - Completed - Mafia Wins!

Eh, I’ll give you more time. This answer was a bit tepid for my tastes, though.

Don’t think Luxy would add conversion here, would also fuck up with the flavor issue being that this could also end up turning protagonists evil and whatnot.

Oh. Didn’t really think about that. This should be easier to figure out then.

Hmm, The Ring sounds like a good conversion tool. But it doesn’t really make enemies, just selfish idiots.

Starts with map discussion, which is okay + I brought that map into the limelight so the fact Squid also thought it was good makes me feel good about the slot.

A few other posts don’t contribute very much to the game. Aside from this one:

Which I disagreed with, but it’s irrelevant now.

I disagree HARD with that.

And this is a bad justification because mafia can find these classes regardless of whether their investigative abilities are guaranteed to succeed or not. This reads to me as Squid trying hard for Bree to not be chosen because it prevents scum from killing tonight, and that would be highly inconvenient for them.

Still does that here.

Ignoring the points in favor of it for no apparent reason. I’m thinking Squid would find a good reason as town about why a Mafia map early game is bad, but Squid didn’t even bother to explain.

I want to lynch this today.

I like that they came to the same location conclusion that I did, however at the same time they let themselves get pressured somehow… by this statement into voting Mount Doom (and I can’t freaking multiquote easily, but it was Astand saying people not voting with no plurality are scummy)

While I’m typing this I realize they probably mean the Shire making it majority, but then they could have still gone Bree. Either way if Ginger is scum, then they have just spewed Astand as town or at least not on the same team.

I already had some interaction with them that I don’t like and the remaining new posts they made are barebones mechanical mumbo jumbo. Scumlean. One small point of light is the next post, because I’m a sucker for claiming, which I hate.

Can anyone summarize how Evil_Ginger plays that has played with them before? As far as I know they just played in clown fiesta mash and I’m never going to invest effort into reading other games from people before the playerlist dwindles down to like 10 or so players. Just don’t have the time.

I’m from another forum the o ly other game I played on this one was the previous clown game as a sub

And people’s scumreadding me like in every game in the past. Great.

Honestly, I don’t care what people think. I know what I’m good at and I’m sticking to it

I can link to some games, but they are low leveled games.

why are u so bad

ur reaction tests are obvious

and u can’t even vote for a player rn smh

lmao u wish

and this literally contradicts ur bad reaction test bruh ur actually bad

anyway, anything interesting happen in the last thousand posts?

PKR outed as a PR

Reading would help… a lot

squid is town

pkr being stupid, ok

i’m asking bc i can’t read 1600 posts rn smh

no shit reading would help a lot can u not state the painfully obvious

what’s the current map vc?

We had hippo gladiate PKR while Astand is going to day vig PKR

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But do you want someone to summarize something and potentially change their opinion without you knowing?

I wish I was joking