[FM] Lord of the Rings Forum Mafia - (7/25) - Completed - Mafia Wins!

Why aren’t we just voting Bree so it helps everyone besides just helping PKR.

Disagree with this notion.

Is it a forum rule?

pkr mysteriously claiming in a way that makes them seem important?

It’s a flipping good one, all I ask is to be trusted and let do it

polls illegal.

I think they are but IDK

No Polls from now on.



lol since when. i’ve used them many a time and have yet to be warned

k since now i suppose

Do we have to end already ongoing polls now? Or can we let em play out?

I will lock them.

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Bree is 100x better late game

Why are polls against the rules again? I thought there was a reason but I since forgot about it

Provide a reason?

No it isn’t, why not have all PR protected N1 instead of having one PR protected.

you realize where im coming from correct?

-person insists on getting heals and LOs
-person insists on being hammer vote

HRMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM thats getting my noggin a joggin

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when were they put against the rules tho?
like before now ive literally never heard about that

Oh well, OP doesn’t want polls so there.

Because we can have everyone Protected late game when town is about to lose majority

It’s a case-by-case basis.
Tirith is good for if we have multiple suspects and that’s something we can discuss each day one by one.

Today the best thing to get out the way is Mount Doom and if we’re trusting there’ll be a lookout or other protective on me, it’s perfectly safe.