[FM] Lord of the Rings Forum Mafia - (7/25) - Completed - Mafia Wins!

What if conversion is a hammer ability?

what if PKR is a converter and is trying to get a convert before dying

I guess that’s fair. If people have reads and stuff

With my doc/retri claim, what exactly do you think my hammering passive may be? Hmmmm.

I trust PKR and don’t think this is the case.

but best to be wary

Bruh. I outed just to die so I can get a convert?

Hmm…what maps did you want?

i dont give a shit about your claim, you could easily be lying


If we do it late game mafia killers would have likely died by then, so we only protect against the factional kill

If we do it early mafia if they have a killer can’t use it that night giving us an extra day to lynch them. It’s effectively giving us an extra day always it just depends on when we use it.

What hammering passive do you think I have Kai?

Like, it’s obviously better to give us more time early on then later on

is it one where it makes you healed for that night?

i think it’s this

if we have Bree who cares if PKR is lying NO TOWN DIES we lynch him the next day

See, I didn’t even know there was a difference between mafia and faction killers

Vigilante is an universal role that theoretically can be any alignment

Today: Mirkwood, Mines of Moria, Mount Doom.
Those are the best 3 imo

no they are terrible what

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I’m surrounded by mafia help

We poison and heal block

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Irregardless of my claim, what is my hammering passive if you’re so against me having it?