[FM] Lord of the Rings Forum Mafia - (7/25) - Completed - Mafia Wins!

I get worked up when people accuse me of acting like a god when that’s my play style. I have said this in numerous games that I act confident but I’m not at all. You can see this when I’m in a game thread at mafia universe mash but in the wolf chat I was panicking all the time


(I’m actually trying to get closest string recognition alogirthm running rn)


/vote Mordor

NP, I was partially using that as a way to get a reaction too. BTW I had no intention of actually shooting you (:

We’re good mate, just purposely got on each other’s nerves a bit eh

@Kirefitten irl


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Youre not going to lynch me

Heck I will

Now kiss

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/vote Mordor

I promise this great nation my shot shall be just and righteous, and I shall smite a mafia from this earth.

Who you gonna yeet out of this game?

The mafia, clearly


BOOM BYE @Evil_Ginger


Did Firekitten just suicide bomb himself?

An arrow flies out from the trees, striking PokemonKidRyan in the chest!

PokemonKidRyan has died! He was…



Town Healer

The Lord of Rivendell, your vast knowledge from centuries of life gives you extraordinary power.
Elven Medicine (Passive) - If you are the hammerer of a mafia aligned player, gain another use of Revival.
Determination (Day) - Your Remedy target tonight will also give your target immunity to occupation and redirection tonight. [3 Uses]
Remedy (Night) - Target a player, healing them, preventing their death and curing any poison and bleeding. [Infinite Uses]
Revival (Night) - Target a dead player, they will be brought back to life at the start of the next day. [1 Use]
Goal: Eliminate the Mafia

Oh man…

excuse me what the fuck

I was gonna save him