[FM] Lord of the Rings Forum Mafia - (7/25) - Completed - Mafia Wins!

why the fuck didn’t they target ginger it would have been perfect comedic timing



Shit! I was about to say something because of a cool idea relating to PKR but then someone flatout shot him. sigh

You scared a little ahit outta me when I saw Luxy typing

Back from dinner now, just got caught up with the thread.

the thread seems to have caught up with PKR too

You had a day vig or did PKR just get booted for claiming?

Since the claim-vig was a day one then I don’t think Kai may be a wolf, tbh. If he knew that PKR could have been killed during the day then I don’t think he’d cast so much shade on him like that.

My cookie is now useless…

Oh fuck

it wasn’t me, if it was me I would have said boom bye pkr

The madlad was actually a healer ret

Voted Voters Number
Bree DatBird (#1066), Vulgard (#1598), Firekitten (#1759), Magnus (#2287) 4
Mordor Kai_5 (#2027), Marshal (#2292), Hippolytus (#2299) 3
Helm’s Deep Alice (#1570), MaximusPrime (#1720) 2
Rivendell astand (#1808), Alice (#2288) 2
for Mount Doom Icibalus (#30) 1
mountdoom H_Hja (#81) 1
Minas Tirith Solic (#466) 1
Rohan @Luxy Arete (#1298) 1
helms deep Simon (#1565) 1
Rivendell again in case my vote got lost Andrej (#1845) 1

Mod edit: PKR is dead, deleted from votecount

I would have “counted down” for a cookie delivery and then as soon as it said 0, PKR woulda died

Im accepting 1/3 of the blame for that one, astand and pkr share the rest.

Me: ‘don’t claim, there might be a claimvig’
PKR: claims
Claimvig: exists
Everyone: suprised Pikachu face

For fuck’s sake, you all.



Oh gee, who would have guessed? thonk
I am a little ticked off at the sudden shot, but I’m not going to go full ham because of it

Not liking this reaction, tbh. Nobody here is surprised that he got shot.

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@PokemonKidRyan sorry dude that isnt what i intended at all hope ur not put off playing again, its more fun when u join.