[FM] Lord of the Rings Forum Mafia - (7/25) - Completed - Mafia Wins!

Whats this? Hippos still on his phone and withstanding the air hostesses tyrany?

Thats right, I do what I want. :thuglife:

Do you see that as more likely to come from town or from scum?

Next thing you know he gonna flirt with the stewardess too

well maybe a little pretentious.

but not intentionally know-it-all-ish or an “akshually” kinda person

I dont know. Raimundo (spoiler) actually goes bad at one point.

so lost wolf

But then he turns good.

At least he doesn’t sound like Jack Splicer in my head.

I feel like this is unproductive

is that so wrong?

Not for me it ain’t. I never thought about my reads like this before. It has me thinking in all sorts of ways.

Hello folks, my name is Matilda the air hostess and I have confiscated this gentleman’s phone.

Please inform him to be more respectful in the future and not message his acquaintances upon takeoff.

It’s just that no one else is really going to understand what you’re trying to articulate if you use references that not everyone has heard of

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Stupid ass matilda you suck

give hippo his phone back

True. Once Marshal began to make references to the office, I understood how others would feel.

well if you don’t watch the office you dont deserve to understand my references

same here man.
except they’re all my voice, kinda.
they have their own tone and inflections, but i only hear myself saying them

I am fine with this

I know about the office, but that’s about it, and not everyone is from the U.S. or has seen it

why even say this tho?
logically, yeah, but the implication is that you were talking about irl anyway, and not saying this means less than saying this