[FM] Lord of the Rings Forum Mafia - (7/25) - Completed - Mafia Wins!

you don’t have to be from the U.S. to see or like it.
it is a little american-centered but is also comedy gold so suck it

Tele - CLASS fun police |

D1 - ruin everyone’s fun |

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ruin the fun for at least 3 people

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Marshal sounds too close to me in my head.

Just saying that to not confirm or deny my class card’s gender

It’s a little scary

Idk wtf this means but i’m flattered

I am doing my best to have no softs whatsoever and then town wins and everyone is like “wow Tele you were that class? I had no idea” :upside_down_face:

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whelp, time to do the Algebra II homework i’ve put off until 9:00 PM :unamused:
I will still definitely be active becaue I can’t focus but I will be more lurky

Is there any chance you could translate what your reads mean into words, like what you tried to do with Hippo?

I got banned from here for a day once for calling fk an ignorant slut like michael calls dwight in the office cuz no one got the reference.


I feel. I have yet to do my AP Calc hw ;;___;;

I fucking love this

They just thought i was being a massive dick

thats fucking hilarious

take a gander at my post again, please

if you looked carefully you’ll see that i addressed this very response in it

by saying that the implication, had you not said it at all, was that you were talking about irl, not your role, so there was no need to specify, and that, in fact, saying it actually made it more focused on your flavor in a way.

But it didn’t reveal anything about it so it doesn’t matter

laughs in mathematica

yeah but its weird that you say it

it almost feels like your trying to draw attention in a way.
i get that you’re not, im just trying to advise you here.

I might or might not be mafia