[FM] Lord of the Rings Forum Mafia - (7/25) - Completed - Mafia Wins!


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Who said this

Should have asked in our mason chat

why would u think that


He can die, probably.

yeah I still think this was bussing

I forgot, cant wait to chat tonight tho

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just seems too forced

Cuz Hij

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Oh yeah this needs death also how did we forgot about this

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That’s literally a BLAZING RED FLAG right there

Along with it being pretty sudden. Don’t think he’d be so quick to jump on a villager’s wagon like this.

chiang probs good to leave for slank vig


what is this logic lmao

he goes from not wanting mafia to know who tontarget to the other post

i asked if conversion was in this game and geyde said he can’t answer that question so yay. consider it a possibility -_-

conversion (if it exists, which i don’t think it does but it could) probably just changes alignment tho bc luxy having to create a converted card for everyone + a ring power is probs too much work

In that case you wont be getting the c word

I’m fine with that

Nah itll convert into a specific new class

I think people read into my posts deeper than they are supposed to be. I am open to ideas on who and who isn’t mafia. And like I said I feel pressured on posting my opinion even though I personally don’t believe anyone is shady to the point they are absolutely mafia, I just stated what I thought. I am still trying to learn this game and everyone’s playstyles.

Universal I still don’t know if you understand the game concepts of forum mafia do you

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