[FM] Lord of the Rings Forum Mafia - (7/25) - Completed - Mafia Wins!

I apologize if that seems ‘forced’ or seems false I just simply don’t know how to really proceed.

Oh. I dont feel like you deserve it anymore

This is my second game so far, and I kid you not this is the furthest I have gotten I believe. I am still trying to get a hang of things.

Then you should check your feelings they are broken

Im ok not hammering tbh, my abils p weak and idk who id shoot anymore.

I vote for @Emilia to hammer.


I want the question answered, do you know how the actual game works. Last game you did not, and I do not know if you fixed that or not. I can’t get s read on you if I don’t know if you know how this game works


Everything about me is broken

Well I know this game is like a mafia game where there is a detective and town and doctor and a mafia. I am trying to learn some acronyms you all use and try to see how abilities work

Then fix that, if the cookie is magical enough to stop cuts then I don’t want it but it if it a different magical I want it because I think it specifically slows you to visit two people during the night but I’m not sure

What acronyms have we even used here?

Nope. But keep guessing.

Legit just ask ppl to explain and they will.

Have you ever played mafia

@Hippolytus @Kirefitten

Answer this question.



Feels rigged but okay

Is this an ability? Or a meme?

Like Obviously Sometimes There Were Others Loving Feeling great using big acronyms and stuff but most of the time just ask and ppl explain using normal vocab.

So the big misconception I’m seeing in your post here that’s relevant to this game is about roles, this is a “rolemadness” game which means that everyone has some sort of useful ability, and based on the flips so far most of them are pretty useful.

If you want a reference for acronyms I like https://wiki.mafiascum.net/index.php?title=Commonly_Used_Abbreviations.