[FM] Lord of the Rings Forum Mafia - (7/25) - Completed - Mafia Wins!

Please be respectful Alice.


I cant hear you calling me braindead, your high-horse is too far away. Mind shouting it louder?

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Maybe you should try scumreading rather than being a complete fuckwit and relying on mechanics?

i wouldn’t expect town Alice to be delusional which makes me read this as scummy
but i don’t have much experience with town Alice so maybe it’s not that uncharacteristic of her

do you have enough experience with town Alice to say that with confidence or are you defending a scumbud

Bucko, what did Lucy just say?

Name calling indicates you have nothing better to fire back with.

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I was scumreading you already, Alice, wagons aren’t the only way to build reads and VCA isn’t usually CoC D6 levels of obvious. The issue here is that we were already scumreading you, you claimed you could mechanically clear yourself, and then you didn’t do that.

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Right, I’ll calm down.

Yes, I lied that I was going to shoot tonight, but that was because of my second night action and I don’t want to claim it right now because.

A) I’ll shoot tonight.

B) If I claim it I may get claim-vig’d.

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In general no it makes Sense to think you are towny

She is self resolving tonight She could have just not claimed this as wolf

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Because anyone with half a brain would know that I shouldn’t need to mechanically clear myself when I was one of the main CFD’ers onto wolf KP from a villager. That’s like revealing as an IC d1.

I never claim self-resolving unless I’m a wolf under suspicion or actually self-resolving.


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I was typing when he said that. I’m pissed off rn as if you/Hippo/EG/Arete are all villagers then this is downright level 0 play.

Oh mighty, benevolent and all-knowing Alice.

Who, in your infinite wisdom above us puny mortals, would you like to lynch today considering Boss’ flip.

Accept my offering my God. :pray::pray::pray::pray:

I claimed self-resolving way earlier in the game because FK kept joking about gladiating me earlier on.

I get it, I’m a fucking dumbass, but at least I did my damn job last night

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Rn? STB’s progression on Solic was terrible as he never re-evaluated despite Solic’s main push flipping wolf KP, that and he claiming that he SR’d Kai but never really read him reeks of him TMI’ing Kai as scum.

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To elaborate on this, I dont actually think alice was scum because as town, it is hard to defend accusations without openly claiming or using an ability. When I played as Villager or citizen or whatever, this is the mindset I have.

While I say that, I still think not doing as you said, which was your way of revealing you were town, was a scum thing to do. Now that you at least gave a reason, I can back off on that front. However, attacking others with names and the same thing over and over doesn’t help the situation. This is what I was trying to tell derp.

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Yeah i want STB dead too tbf

Bad play pisses me off like there’s no tomorrow and it tilts me hard. So meh. I’m trying to calm down as lynching a self-resolving player because they didn’t self-resolve overnight when they were one of the hardest CFD’ers from a villager to wolf KP is just astoundingly stupid beyond belief.