[FM] Lord of the Rings Forum Mafia - (7/25) - Completed - Mafia Wins!

An arrow flies out from the trees! It strikes astand in the chest!

Astand has died! He was…


Saruman the White

Town Wizard

Leader of the wizards and of the White Council that opposes Sauron.
Magic Barrier (Passive) - If you are the hammerer of a mafia aligned player, you may choose a player to place a magic barrier upon. This gives the player night immunity until they are attacked once.
Wizard (Passive) - You are immune to occupation and redirection.
Ice Wall (Day) - Prevent visits to yourself tonight. [1 Use]
Magic Shift (Night) - Swap the position of two players, causing all actions targeting the first to target the second and vice versa. [Infinite Uses]
Empower (Night) - Target a player, they will be guaranteed to visit their target tonight. [3 Uses]
Goal: Defeat the Mafia

What just happened?

Luxy explain

Majority is now 9.

What do you mean majority is 9? We only have 9 players left before we lose?

??? Luxy

It means when nine players are on a wagon, someone gets hammered

I thought it meant we only have 9 players left before Mafia gets majority and we lost automatically

We don’t know how many Mafia are left and I don’t think Luxy will tell us outright

How many players are left? In total

17, its in the title

I am on discord/mobile

I hope to lord that was the claimvig, and that that means i don’t fucking die.

Why would you die?

i’ve claimed, and a claimvig could kill me.

However, I think you might know this

/vote universal

one of you/chiang/andrej needs to go IMO, and I want this claim first

Would be funny if you turned out to be the claimvig, also why?

I am 100% not claimvig here(have claimed(and proven) a day ability that’s not that)

I think one of you or chiang is the claimvig for slightly angleshooty reasons.

convince me it’s not you

How do? I don’t exactly know how this works

Tell me why you should not be lynched, without claiming.

what is the best reason why we shouldn’t kill you

No angleshooting first off

But seriously, astand gone makes this even harder for us