[FM] Lord of the Rings Forum Mafia - (7/25) - Completed - Mafia Wins!

I know, that’s why i didn’t say the reason

Well I am willing to be open to discuss anything, even if I don’t have that much knowledge in the subject. It also can’t be against the rules

So first off. Do not at all say the name of your abilities or role. Just dont. Insta death.

You can describe your abilities if you want to

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Also if the main reason is because I don’t seem engaged or just disconnected from the rest, it’s because I am away for most of the day. Not by choice, but because I have school and societies/clubs/teams

But the best thing would be to read today’s posts from the beginning of the day to get a good idea of where everything is.

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I try skimming and it’s because literally EVERYONE is pressuring me to respond. Try to be away from home for 12 hours, come back and finish work with only being able to log in to see the progress of 40 minutes or so if you are lucky, then come back at around 12am-1am and read ALL of the posts while trying to get ready for bed to do it all again. Also if you don’t answer quickly you will be lynched because you didn’t give a satisfying answer

Well, people want your unadulterated reactions before you read. If you take your time to come up with a response, it can be seen as you making sure you dont reveal scummy behavior

But you feel so nooby that I think that is your meta. Especially considering last game.

It’s difficult and I am trying my best. I really am, maybe I just am not able to because of school and work from extracurriculars. If it gets that bad I’ll substitute with someone else. But don’t be so self-entitled and wanting for an answer that you will punish someone for being too busy to read EVERYTHING and analyze with the level you are doing it along with referencing it from other games you played. I ONLY PLAYED ONE GAME. ONE AND I GOT TRICKED AND DIED. I didn’t even know I was town in that one. Everyone legit read too much into what I was typing and thought I did it on purpose. Surprise surprise I didn’t. Half the time I am just trying to keep up with messages from the day before.

Or maybe it isnt

It’s so frustrating everyone is expecting me to play at their level with the amount of time they have. I don’t have much time, that’s why I usually come in at night. I just don’t. It’s hard

I don’t even know my meta. I am just being straight and to the point and as honest as I can be. Like I said, if I get too busy I’ll just substitute because then I will at least be replaced by someone who can contribute

I dont want to make you frustrated, and I understand you are having a difficult time.

your best defense is claiming what your role does.
That opens you up to claim-vig, but if you want to use that card you can

It isn’t only you. It’s anyone else who also feels uncertain about me due to my lack of input. I understand that, its shady af to have someone who basically stands in the background and comes when there’s least activity with no real opinion as people literally die. But they seem to ignore the fact that I have repeated “Guys I will be busy until 11pm, I’ll try to respond as quickly as possinle.” And “Guys I don’t know much about the game, I don’t have the huge libaray of references like you all do.” <- Not direct quotes but it gets the point across

I don’t even know how to describe without giving away what I can do

you can claim what you do.

just the abiility names and your class name are off-limits.

I’ll die?

Like for example, I can double the vote of someone else during the day, and redirect all visitors to me to themselves at night.

those are the abilitites i’ve claimed

that is absolutely not your best defense

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look at this guy over here encouraging people to claim

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