[FM] Lord of the Rings Forum Mafia - (7/25) - Completed - Mafia Wins!

Unless he is just not town And fake claimed

if the only healer left is scum-aligned this spews derps and arete as scum because why would they bother healing town
the thing is we have no way to know unless the healer outs and i don’t think the healer should out

Arete is dying tommorow

whynaut now?

if they weren’t healed then yeah they’re dead tomorrow
but they apparently survived a vig so something happened there

They were poisoned last day

they claimed as such or are you claiming?

They did

there’s one weird thing though

bluestorm claims arete survived a vig
but there was also a factional kill and its target also lived
so there are either two healers or someone passively immune was hit

i really doubt there are two healers but maybe i don’t know something


there might be two healers
town-aligned and scum-aligned maybe
i don’t know it’s just guesswork

night immunity too

How many times do we think a claimvig can claimvig in a game? Three times? Infinite?

/vote Paths of the Dead
this for now
i also like helm’s deep

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prob infinite.
wouldnt be much of a claimvig otherwise

What do you think about paths of the dead

We have a lot of town dead, so they would win the vote.
Plus, we can guess that if a member of Mafia doesn’t have a vote on them, an ally will vote them to make sure they keep their power.

this should be really good for figuring out scum votes

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at this point they’ve probably used some limited abilities since it’s d3
so taking charges away is going to hurt a lot

However there is the risk to us town as well. I know that if this is picked and no vote is placed on me, I cant use my limited use ability anymore afterwards.