LoTRFM - Mafia Chat

fuck they’re going for minas after I used the claimvig

@Luxy will Minas Tirith retroactively refund charges for day abilities? I’m guessing not but I’d be super happy if it did for some reason

I’m up for helms to try to get another charge of claimvig in second hammer

No it won’t technically rohan is still in effect

alright tomorrow im gonna go for helm’s deep for another claimvig charge from hammer, out as town occupier, and scumread blue due to Ici’s flip.

we could try to shift the narrative and say blue is scum who tried to kill town!arete

ten characters

still gonna claim town joat

1-shot occupier
1-shot redirector
1-shot vig
1-shot healer

actually will it be suspicious if i put all of these abilities as night abilities

i have three day abilities so maybe there can be more than two per category

@Luxy are there more than two abilities per category in this setup?

good thing: they are going after each other and i’m ‘conftown’
bad thing: arete is going to die even though my decision to have stb occupy bluestorm apparently saved their life
even worse thing: people are starting to scumread marshal

but hey stb isn’t even the focus anymore so you are legally allowed to steal hammer on a town wagon i think

i’m conveniently not mentioning the fact stb was around during the claimvig and then poofed

this gamestate is really weird because the lack of deaths is making town go after each other
i think there’s no way i’m going to get lynched today so i can chill, but you guys might be in a bit more trouble.
i’ll make sure to try and defend you if it comes to that.
also i have no idea how we can heal arete this is a huge problem.

I think @Arete should use Deface on today’s lynch unless it’s a mafia member (since we can’t clean that) and perform the factional.
@Marshal probably doublevotes someone today, idk who, and lies to derps again
idk i’m getting the impression we’re slowly getting screwed and our only chance of winning is if i make it to endgame
i’m the only one who’s greenchecked and can’t be killed at night because i’m sauron and i’m overpowered so i have the best chances there
actually no if either arete or marshal flips the greencheck on me is gonna get called into question even though it’s real

TFW you claimvig the redchecked person

we are so screwed

Discovery (Night) - Target a player, you will learn whether they have ever visited a player on the night they died. [3 Uses]

Guys, Chiang’s second ability is basically Nosy Servants :eyes:

this is such bad reasoning and yet it’s correct and it’s bothering me


help please

i’m considering claiming the occ on bluestorm

You’d need an excuse for why you occ’d someone on a map where mafia can’t be occupied

also I’m dying to bleed tonight it’s probably not worth harddefending me, just pushing the lynch to someone else