[FM] Lord of the Rings Forum Mafia - (7/25) - Completed - Mafia Wins!

Marshal, one of the greatest secrets of life is if you fail you have a better shot the next time you try something.

I’ve just noticed Marshal did a mass ISO on me what?
Solic ISO’d me before as well. I have no idea why they’re doing the same things early on.

then buss PKR

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Hey ive had a few jokes but im contributing quite a bit I feel.


vulgard you have a lot of catching up to do

My townreads in past games.

Dat and HTM in blackflag nightless
PKR and dat and sog in RRM3
I was scum in nfol4 so that dont count
and, while I cant speak to clash of cults, just read for yourself.

I’m sure I do. Still townreading you because of later posts though.

Im thinking @MaximusPrime is scum based on my spidey sense.

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Wait how did I make that post.


Oh what it makes a post invisible.

I’m actually confused, it won’t even let me send an empty post??? Obviously Vulgard is hacking.

Don’t use this tag in the future.


Would y’all stop doing that? I had to modkill a player in another FM for it and I don’t want this shit happening here as well.

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Dayvig Hja.

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