[FM] Lord of the Rings Forum Mafia - (7/25) - Completed - Mafia Wins!

No no Wait I am Sorry :sob:

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the dayvig is the player’s modkill

FK what are your thoughts on Alice?

I find it hillarous how we all did it

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If I said my thoughts on Alice they wouldn’t be surprised when I gladiate them mid way through the day, have to keep the suspense and thoughts real.


Spicy, I like this.

…if you’re serious, then don’t fucking do this.

At the risk of sounding like PKR, my role is self-resolving here and it’ll end up another OWFM d1 if you do this.

I can’t do anything fun unless I get hammer

Don’t think he was actually serious, but I want to hear his read.

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Alice I’m the most serious person here

I don’t think Kitten would’ve called it out if they were serious.

Imma come out and say my hammer passive does literally fuck all early game but strong late game so if im around then pls lemme.

Mine is still pretty good early but also ends up better late game just because theirs less people

My passive is always good.

The fun part of this is I think if Alice was scum they would have ignored my antics entirely thinking I was joking.

I can’t do much withought the hammer though lol

My passive only works should I use my other abilities effectively.

Greetings y’all. I’m gonna read up now.

we should stop discussing passives, last time I did that in Alice game thinking claiming passives was okay and there was a passive vigilante
