[FM] Lord of the Rings Forum Mafia - (7/25) - Completed - Mafia Wins!

/vote vul



Dude! I said for you to wait! REEEEEEE

Arete, you nerd, you had doublevote

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Accused Voters Votes
Vulgard PoisonedSquid, Marshal, Sulit, Arete 5/5

Vulgard has been lynched!



Mafia Leader

The Dark Lord and creator of the One Ring.
Dark Lord (Passive) - You are invincible to all means of death besides attacks from the bearer of the Ring, and lynching. If you die by either means, you may select a player, converting them to the Mafia and changing their class card to Eye of Sauron. While the Eye of Sauron is alive, you may post in the Mafia chat while dead. You appear as town to faction checks.
Necromancy (Passive) - If you are the hammerer of a Town aligned player, you will summon a skeleton, up to a maximum of three skeletons. On any given night, you may use your skeletons to either attack a player or defend another member of the mafia. Each skeleton is one use only. You will not be seen as visiting the target while using this ability.
Dark Magic (Passive) - If you perform the factional kill, you will not be seen as visiting the target.
Ring Sight (Day) - At the end of the day, the names of any husks will be revealed to you. [1 Use]
In the Darkness Bind Them (Day) - Disable the effects of the Ring for the coming night and receive the ringholder’s feedback at the end of the coming night. [1 Use]
Willpower (Day) - Target a member of the mafia, their non-killing ability will empowered tonight. [3 Uses]
Hook-Mace (Night) - Target two players, the first player will be redirected to the second. [Infinite Uses]
Slaughter (Night) - Attack a player. [1 Use]
One Ring to Rule Them All (Night | Ring) - If you hold the ring, you may target a player, occupying them and learning their class card. [Infinite Uses]
Goal: Eliminate the Town


With the Lynching of Vulgard and the current map, Town has no way to win.

The Mafia Wins.

Sulit was:


Eye of Sauron

Mafia Leader

The reincarnation of the Dark Lord, while he searches for the one ring.
Dark Lord (Passive) - You are invincible to all means of death besides attacks from the bearer of the Ring, and lynching. You appear as town to faction checks.
Isolate (Passive) - If you are the hammerer of a town aligned player you may target a player causing all non-mafia visits to them to be prevented tonight.
Dark Magic (Passive) - If you perform the factional kill, it will not count as a visit.
Ring Sight (Day) - At the end of the day, the names of any husks will be revealed to you. [1 Use]
In the Darkness Bind Them (Day) - Disable the effects of the Ring for the coming night and receive a list of five players, one of which holds the ring. [1 Use]
Willpower (Night) - Target a member of the mafia, their ability will be empowered tonight. This does not apply to the factional kill. [Infinite Uses]
Corruption (Night) - Kill a member of the mafia in order to convert Saruman (Astand) to the mafia as well as occupy another person bypassing everything. This action cannot be prevented by any means. The factional kill will fail if this ability is used.[1 Use]
One Ring to Rule Them All (Night | Ring) - If you hold the ring, you may target a player, occupying them and learning their class card. [Infinite Uses]
Goal: Eliminate the Town

Arete was:




Mafia Janitor

Lieutenant of the Witch-King of Angmar. You perform your orders with glee…
Orc (Passive) - If you are the hammerer of a town aligned player, all town aligned players will appear as Mafia for the coming night.
Defile (Passive) - If you perform the factional kill, your target’s flip will be cleaned.
Rend (Day) - Target a player, they will receive incorrect feedback tonight. [3 Uses]
Deface (Day) - Target a player, if they are lynched today, their flip will be cleaned. [1 Use]
Hide (Night) - Target a member of the mafia, they will appear as a member of the town to alignment checks tonight. [Infinite Uses]
Bloody (Night) - Target a player, they will appear as a member of the mafia to alignment checks. [Infinite Uses]
Warg Rider (Night | Ring) - If you hold the ring, you may target a member of the mafia, their kill will bypass night immunity and healing and their target’s flip will be cleaned. [Infinite Uses]
Goal: Eliminate the Town

Marshal was:


Mouth of Sauron

Mafia Misdirector

Sauron’s messenger and negotiator.
Sauron’s Will (Passive) - If you are the hammerer of a town aligned player, you may select three players who cannot be healed tonight.
Demonic Voice (Passive) - If you perform the factional kill, you will redirect all visitors to you to themselves.
Influence (Day) - Target a player, their vote will count as two today. [3 Uses]
Lie (Night) - Target a player, they will receive incorrect feedback from their ability tonight [Infinite Uses]
Diversion (Night) - Target a player, any positive effects on them tonight will be removed. [3 Uses]
Rally (Night | Ring) - If you hold the ring, you may heal all members of the mafia tonight. This has a one-night cooldown. [Infinite Uses]
Goal: Eliminate the Town

Remaining Town:



Gandalf the Grey

Town Alignment Seer

The wisest of the White Council.
You Shall Not Pass! (Passive) - If you are the hammerer of a mafia aligned player, your Foresight in the coming night will attack the player if they appear as a member of the mafia.
Clear Mind (Day) - Your results are guaranteed to be accurate tonight. [1 Use]
Ward (Day) - Target a player, you place a warp upon them which will inform you if they are visited by a member of the Mafia. Targeting another player with this ability swaps your ward to them. [Infinite Uses]
Foresight (Night) - Determine if a player is a member of the mafia. [Infinite Uses]
Goal: Defeat the Mafia




Town Jailkeeper

The Seventeenth King of Rohan
Kingdom (Passive) - If you are the hammerer of a mafia aligned player, you will be informed whether your Dungeons target is a member of the mafia.
Leader (Passive) - You are immune to occupation and redirection.
Command From Horseback (Day) - You are immune to negative day effects today. [3 Uses]
Dungeons (Night) - Target a player, preventing visits to them tonight, however, they will also be occupied. [Infinite Uses]
Goal: Defeat the Mafia



Frodo Baggins


Bilbo’s nephew, entrusted with the ring in order to destroy it.
Ringbearer (Passive) - You can use the ring more times before it starts to take its toll, you also have a higher success rate at giving it away. While you hold the ring, you are night immune N1 and N2.
Sting’s Glow (Passive) - You will be notified if you are visited by an Ork or Uruk-hai.
Chosen (Passive) - When you hammer a mafia aligned player, all the negative effects of the ring are reversed.
Traveller (Day) - Your vote for location will silently count as two today. [3 Uses]
Fellowship (Night) - You get access to the following abilities, however, once one is used, it goes on a three night cooldown:

  • Stab: Attack a player, if you kill a member of the town you lose the ability to kill. [Infinite Uses]
  • Heal: Heal a player, preventing their death and curing their poison. [Infinite Uses]
  • Distract: Occupy a player, preventing their action tonight. [Infinite Uses]
  • Follow: Follow a player, seeing who they visit. [Infinite Uses]

Goal: Defeat the Mafia

You hold…

The One Ring


One ring to rule them all, One ring to find them, One ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.
Equip The Ring (Night) - While holding the ring, you may perform one of the following night actions as well as your normal night action:

  • Empower your night action. [Infinite Uses]
  • Attack Sauron. Attacking anyone else, you will visit them with no effect and counts as a use of the ring. [Infinite Uses]
  • Gain unbypassable night immunity. [Infinite Uses]

Bestow the Ring (Night) - You may choose to give the ring to someone else as well as your normal night action. The chance of success for this ability reduces each time you use the ring’s abilities, or fail to give the ring away. [Infinite Uses]




Town Occupier

The eldest living thing in Middle-Earth and leader of the ents.
Roots (Passive) - If you are the hammerer of a mafia aligned player, you may choose and additional 2 players to occupy tonight.
Tree (Passive) - You are immune to occupation and redirection.
Bark Shield (Day) - Target a player, they will be immune to occupation tonight. [3 Uses]
Root Cage (Night) - Target a player, they will be occupied, preventing their night action. [Infinite Uses]
Spread Roots (Night) - Anyone who visits you tonight will be occupied. [2 Uses]
Goal: Defeat the Mafia


Oh fuck yes

Spreadsheet please?

can we have the converted sauraman classcard?

Also @Ami, @Solic, and @Teleology, I feel like I owe the three of you an apology for that particular FPS


Now this is ebic

Did my ability not go through Sulit passive?

Sulit was converted when Vulgard died :man_facepalming:

good job guys
was fun to observe

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Sulit was converted immediately after the Vul lynch, for complicated reasons

I see

Navigating through this thread on a phone is pure, raw unfiltered pain

can’t blame me for a loss I killed mafia I died for my sins


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