[FM] Lord of the Rings Forum Mafia - (7/25) - Completed - Mafia Wins!

vig me you wont no balls

Pkr stop lurk-liking and get back here

PKR was going to leave because you’re being a fucking dick to him.
Shut the hell up and just stop acting all high and mighty because you’re not.
Don’t you dare take the piss out of me because I’ve had enough.

You’re voting for a scummy place just to spite me and you want a dayvig?
I want you out of this game and honestly out of my damn life.

I didn’t mean this as an actual read, I said this as a way to see both of your reactions and to see who came at your rescue. Playing devils advocate essentially

And YES, I’m angry for once.

Kai’s reason is:
“pkr is insistent of hammer, and thats sus” which i understand

tele’s reason is:
“I hate the play, scum scum” which i don’t get.

Tele can you explain this more?

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What if I said I don’t believe that was at all your intention and you are now back tracking

I wouldn’t care

Can’t we all just calm down here? Honestly, I’m not a psychologist, but being angry isn’t going to solve anything

if someone greenchecks PKR ill be ok with him getting hammer

Being angry does actually help other solve though

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Your opinion means nothing to me because I’m SRing you based on your reaction, but I am TRing PKR

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Never tell someone over the internet to calm down

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its like pouring water on a gas fire

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Good luck getting me lynched lmao


Calming down is NOT AN OPTION

Or I’ll just get it anyway because I don’t want nor need your approval.

Vote mordor and find out bitch

the proper way to put out a gas fire is to cover it iirc

i already am