[FM] Lord of the Rings Forum Mafia - (7/25) - Completed - Mafia Wins!

Votes for location are public, just like lynches.

This is just an objectively bad thing to start with as town, since it can either be used as a great reaction test if it would be the case for all town players that their hammer has to be on mafia and this could be used as a way of warning mafia that they’re not in contact with.

Otherwise it can fuel claimvigs of which Astand might be one or his teammates might be.

I don’t see how this could have benefitted town.

We save really good locations for late game.

/vote Minas Tirith


Lets go bree and let all vigis yoloshoot

We can clear a bunch of ppl tomoz of if we go bree

So does this make me scum, Solic?

Since if I’m scum, all my teammates would already be aware of this hammering stuff.

Legit thought it was a reaction test and i was like clever till i checked my card

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Later viges are gonna be targetting ppl, they are less likely to have targets tonight so Bree makes sense.

Solic’s entrance is weird but honestly my meta on him is outdated enough that I don’t feel like I can get a grasp of why he’d immediately take such a strange path early on.

I’ll just note it down for later, I guess.

No, that doesn’t, I’m just annoyed at how horrible that was. :man_shrugging:

That’s why I said lost wolf as well.

Nah it was kinda an odd entrance

Mount Doom is objectively the best place to go to because people have way better early villagereads than they do early wolfreads.

Hippo seems village. That probably actually happened.

/vote isengard

Especially since he immediately jumps to a scenario involving lost wolves, which is most certainly strange.

I get only on neuts

Forcing town viges to kill n1 is dumb

It’s not that strange given that it doesn’t make sense if he wouldn’t be as they could have just said it in scumchat.

Also that ruins all wagonomics d1