[FM] Lord of the Rings Forum Mafia - (7/25) - Completed - Mafia Wins!

I bought it, but experienced intro freeze, I saw a 300 mb update on Steam, so hopefully they fixed the shit.

sorry :confused:

Time to claim my role now. I am cookie monster. I give cookies to all the good boys and girls. Not really. I eat them all myself.

And then I eat the cookies.

Betting Uchikoshi reused all his plot twists again.

I cant even open steam after my video driver updated…

:man_shrugging: i tried my best to explain to yall my case, and in the lapse of judgement I forgot about the rule, not much you or anyone can do except treat people nice :eyes: u know who u r

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@Universal where are you didn’t you say you would answer my concerns or something

well then

While trying to make Vulgard argument i somehow managed to end up in Alice ISO after getting curious about something and they made a mistake and are near confirmed scum

okay never mind i forgot you said this


Show me cat


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Important milestone to show why they are scum remember the number post #5653

Post #6135

VC coming up soon™

and another one

I didn’t see this either but it’s a bad post in hind sight

and the finishing touch

Update me bitches

update in progress…2% complete