[FM] Mafia Academy 1 - Mafia Victory

I’m going to rebuild my termometer because reanalyzing there I don’t think that voting in the thread is a townslip
It is simply because people didn’t read the thread
I jumped in too eagerly based on sand, again. That should be my greater problem as town, actually. I polarize people too much because of trivial stuff :sweat_smile:

I believe those reads are too polarized for small stuff as well. Unless I read them wrong and it is only normalreads and not ULTRALOCKREADS

Yep, I let myself get carried here since I don’t know Jgoes well. It is good to see another perspective.

confused Merc noises
But yeah, since Alice commented on making towncored PyMM I have been trying to do that on this thread

alright I’ll stop
confused him with James I think
so I don’t think I have played with Jgoes at all. Maybe PyMM but it was so short I barely remember it :cry:

They are slightly townread, it looks as if they were high because most people are null (the people on the giant block) since I don’t have foccused on them in particular.
I’m trying to go slower on that game and making few strong reads rather than a lot of shitty ones, so I plan on getting the nulls later.
Marshal is literally only gut town, Jgoes because of his L1ness confidence.

A scummy L2 and a townish L1
Anyway guys make your mind.
If he is L1 he is town for me, if he is L2 he is scum as he fell for the same pittrap I did on the game we aren’t allowed to discuss because it is ongoing.

ive been giving reads as i get them. i honestly dont have any reads atm besides what ive said. i know in theory how people get more reads but im bad in practice

uhm no. thats not what i said at all. he claimed (not softed) that he was a pr, and i was saying that i was wary. i said its not AI on its own but it can influence and affect other info which is AI
and yeah it was the 20 posts thing. i think it felt weird that a town would have that as i kinda know how the whole post-restriction thing works now, i think, and at the time i had different ideas, but not enough evidence for those ideas to actually call him on them. 20 post limit is still weird imo, but fine enough to leave it.
yes this is also sprawling. because i talk into the keyboard when i type, essentially. so its basically a stream-of-consciousness kinda thing.

mainly the one scummy post. i wrote it as i was figuring out my own suspicion. it kinda develops through the post. theres no definite reason within there that i could point out for why hes scummy to me, just feelings and intuitions for the most part.

@Alice, whats your pr? this is important, dont skimp out on me.

You know what I’ma give him a quick ping maybe he forgot to set it to watching too

Disagree with your reasoning as expressed in your previous posts. Like, you’re basically accusing him of having an overly narrow look on the game and tunneling you just to look productive, right, if I’m reading your quotes from Klopps’s guide correctly – but he has four posts total, so concluding that his look on the game is excessively narrow (particularly when those posts aren’t even all about you) is kind of premature. If anything, your overfocusing on Jgoes is displaying a narrow look on the game, seeing as you’re still focusing on his read on you.

He has not, though his hydra partner (Katze) has.

…I’m dumb. Don’t put scum in the towncore.

Also, reversing my previous read on Merc; her focus here on townhunting is a good look for her as when she’s scum she’s far more likely to just shadethrow at everyone else in the game, which is pretty much the exact opposite of what she’s doing here.


that thing will change a lot based on it is day 1. I love discussing on Day 1 but :smile:








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!remindme like Arete’s post in 4 minutes
or someone likes it for me, that would do


I think you shutting down early sucmreads is also not great.

he has 4 posts, but those are conten-heavy posts filled with content i dont like.

Yeah, early reads are kinda wishywashy anyway since you don’t have much to base yourself on
Also, for this game 4 posts are stuff since everyone is posting less but putting more content on their posts (but you because you are you). I don’t think Arete is guilty here tho because in the view of a person who arrived later in the game things made before can look like as if they were stupid.

Anyway, I’m townreading Arete and Maxi (still) because they are bringing good discussion and new content to the thread, analyzing players others haven’t before.

You know what if it’ll net me more credibility I’ll ISO everyone who’s posted when I have the chance

I’m not trying to shut down any form of early scumread whatsoever, I’m saying that your specific reasoning in this case is flawed. In particular, you’re scumreading him for an overly narrow focus, but since, you know, he literally has four posts total, it’s not surprising that those posts are mostly focused on one thing.

Also not a fan of how Marshal keeps OMGUSing people who scumread him even if he does it as town too.

I still want more details on how you’re looking at that interaction. Are you seeing it as TvT, and if so why?

jake has been typing for a solid 30 minutes.

Be prepared for the mega wallpost of jake


I didn’t understand this phrase. What do you mean with that?


I didn’t notice Marshal was doing that because MEBLIND. I’ll pay attention to that in the future.

It depends on how experienced Jgoes is.
If he is L1, I say it is a T/??? because Jgoes shows typical townish confidence even if he ends expressing himself poorly because newbie town often tunnelvision.
If he is L2, I think that he is being either a solo wolf or a bus target (less likely since of how vivid that interaction was), because the confidence trait in L2s is typical of scum who have trouble faking emotions, and thus usually fake anger and end up tunneling as mafia instead of the mafia L1 profile to sit back and not progress the game at all. I believe it points to “solo wolf” because the attack wasn’t followed by anyone and everyone afterwards scumread Jgoes for it.

I’m not very confident on Marshal. He was just a townlean because I have got a weak spot for mindmelds. I should move him to neutral on the summary list.

> wallpost
> Jake

My town meta is kinda exist and fluff untill I get a scum read then death tunnel and get scumread for said correct tunnel

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Iv also noticed my effort generally has to do with when d1 starts and I generally try less if it started at a bad time

kai’s being oddly unhelpful, but after rereading the nerbins/simon thing, i believe that it is a TvW or a TvT rn because i don’t think they’d both be on the same scumteam
can’t make a more accurate read until nerbins posts more but i think this is the easiest one to solve rn

ok so you place me at the top bc of astand’s n0 peek but shouldn’t you put astand as #1 or #2 instead of #3 because if you believe astand’s peek then they should also be town :thinking:

do agree that @Ami should have less of the “fuck everything” attitude tho, because it’s not helpful and only derails like eevee in marson

gotta reread for this, didn’t really pay attention to them tbh (feel like this post isn’t receiving the recognition it deserves tho)
also, can you explain why or do you have a character limit too, cause i feel like that’s something eevee would do after seeing luxy’s massive wallpost and ur pro reading skills
i do think that marsh/jgoes would be good to solve but nerb/simon should be easier to solve and we should try to focus on this first
besides, if we do lynch one of nerb/simon, it gives them a chance to clear themselves and for us to gain more info

i agree with this, mainly bc i’ve never seen their scum game and i’m pretty sure they’re still a somewhat newish as town
i think marsh said that he is putting him at l-2 wolf bc of his confidence, assuming he is scum tho

i agree with this but not the reasoning (i think)
she put me there bc of the n0 peek claim but if she believes the peek then shouldn’t she put astand higher or just as high? dunno, just feels wrong to me

not too sure about sqiud atm tbh
all i remember is them posting that they were nervous bc of the pressure and that’s it (?)
however, i do have a slight townlead on vulgard bc his posts seem to meld into the background more whereas i think a scum vulgard would try to powerwolf more like in lotrfm and make his presence known

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Trying to read all of these wallposts completely drained my WiM


actually you should be above astand in any case, as a town astand = a town you, but a town you doesnt always = a town astand

I mean if I give an ISO it might make me more credible

I think you should be motivated by catching wolves and not by wanting to seem credible.

But it defnitely wouldn’t hurt. I say go for it.

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If I can do both that’s great, but it’s day one, I probably won’t get anything too conclusive. Right now it’d be more reliable for me to get pressure off my back by being or at least trying to be helpful

Oh good people are already getting my numbers wrong

I think PKR claiming a PR in his first post was wolfy for him

SDAL is sort of a gut townread, they seem to be going at their own pace in a towny way