[FM] Mafia Academy 1 - Mafia Victory

Wait PKR what

Did you get Priestessā€™ approval to say that, or did you do that for attention and not clear it with her first?

yeah, thats a good question

@Mistyx did you check with preistes before posting that?

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I didnā€™t even know Astand had a N0 peek. You are in the top townreads because you are being towny.

PKR said that not Mist

Reactiontest ruined :frowning:

Oh my bad

Yes, I checked with the person who I do not share a private chat with, and have not interacted in-thread with yet

hmm calm down it was a reactiontest.

I donā€™t really get anything from this because it was cpmromised but ah well.

What exactly is there to gain from that test

scumslipping you + jgoes/preistess

this post was an hour ago.

what the fuck.

this is gonna be longer than ever in history

~~Click if nerd~~

This text will be blurred

Quickedit: I messed the joke up but it;s better this way


PKRā€™s Wallpost ā€“ Post #4 / 20 ā€“ Day 1

PKR's longest wallpost ever

Shurian starts off with a RVS vote. Nothing of note.

This reaction by astand to the RVS vote was quite confusing. Tonally something is off because I feel that Town!Astand wouldā€™ve realised itā€™s a RVS vote instead of being so serious this early on in the game. However since astand has not done this in any previous games it makes it hard to tell what exactly went on here.

Marshal wasted 4 posts, 3 of which literally pinged everyone and then one other which claimed to have softed. I do not understand why this happened but it either tells me Marshal has a small restriction to his posts or none at all (I guess it is the former)

Astand had once again commented within this time and once again it just seems questionable motivation wise. I donā€™t understand where this comment came from but I havenā€™t seen astand post like this before. Due to having seen both town and scum astand recently, Iā€™d argue this might be neutral astand (Since itā€™s not like their previous metas at all)

Letā€™s add to the weird motivation. I think astand by now can just be considered as ā€œFluffier than Woolooā€. This post does make sense when considered at which point it was made but overall itā€™s definitely lacklustre.

Basic intro post. Doesnā€™t really say too much, but it does suggest Noz has a PR of 50 posts (Lucky fuck getting 2.5 x the amount than me) and that his class is unusual but interesting to him which may become relevant later -This is more of a note for the future than anything particularly read wise since this post was NAI mostly-

This post reads really well for Mercenaryā€™s slot. I personally agree on the restriction thing seeming to not be random and more which I think is a note which scum wouldnā€™t have wanted to out. Mineā€™s a challenge because of the fact I usually post so much and get annoyed but Eeveeā€™s forcing me to post a maximum amount of times and then justā€¦ let what happens happen.

The claimvig comment was a bit unusual, however it is typically best to assume the worst when there are anti-claim mechanics unless everyone decides to claim for some reason. That way it would encourage caution which once again I donā€™t think scum would want to do.

Then we go to Mercā€™s response to Nozā€™s post which again, I agree with. This doesnā€™t necessarily mean I read it in any way, but itā€™s something to note.

Finally comes Mercā€™s response to Astand I believe is at least decent. That one post by astand probably was the best one they made up until this point, it hints at them having a PR (And Merc too) however other than that it helps to see if people stay on the same page.

First of all I hope that any votes put in our classcards do not count as posts, otherwise this is going to be hell for me and Iā€™ll need for Priestess to vote me.

Second of all this just seems like a basic attempt to look like content without actually providing any, Iā€™m unsure why Shurian would do this, it doesnā€™t help me to learn about them factionally but itā€™s just a weak post overall.

Jakeā€™s entrance post is here, I find it to be rather lacklustre but I typically do expect this from Jake. Heā€™s quite cryptic and is avoiding discussing in thread without discussing it with others. My biggest problem here is the final P.S. since it seems as if Jake is thinking everything might not be true, as if attempting to discourage people to take it seriously which is a very dangerous attitude to have in this game.

Iā€¦ donā€™t know how to feel about this. Marshal typically is a clever person who reads everything carefully and critically analyses every last detail so it almost makes itā€¦ hard to believe that heā€™d make such a crucial mistake which prevents him from being able to speak. I certainly think if this is true, then Town!Marshal wouldā€™ve known from the start what exactly to do and like Iā€™ve done it, calculate how many posts they can make within (x) time. It doesnā€™t read well whatsoever, itā€™s either a lie or a screwup and either of these I donā€™t think would come from Town!Marshal.

I have no idea what proxy voting is, but overall this is a good post. Mainly because if you post a vote in thread (I presume) itā€™ll count a 1 towards post restrictions. That is if I understand correctly.

Love this post, funnily enough since itā€™s from my partner. However, I hope this is a good sign of things to come since if Priestess is going to allow me to use part of her posts then it should work better. Iā€™ve been utter punished here and donā€™t wish for it to happen again. Any jokes Iā€™ve made before this wall, I just want to say it is my honour to be a hydra with you Priestess. I believe weā€™ll work well together and despite being the ā€œnewbieā€ in our hydra, I see plenty of potential and want to see you bloom as a player. So do what you think is right too.

This is probably one of my favourite posts of the game thus far. I feel like this annoyance that Jgoes posts in after the final quote is real and comes from a town perspective. I like the analysis of Marshal too, since I feel a similar way (As Iā€™ve put earlier on in this wallpost).

I know Chemist (If Chemist is Chemist1422). Theyā€™re a player from my home forums Town of Salem. Theyā€™ve apparently according to other players played on Mafia Universe too. Theyā€™re a nice person, doesnā€™t really play in a ā€œOMG this is amazingā€ way but consistent, doesnā€™t change things up much from what I know.

I think all this today shows is that Marshal has so little reliability. Itā€™s as if he lied, then waited in order to fake a reaction test and motivationally feels scummy as heck since I have not seen this from Town!Marshal before.

If Marshal has done this before I would appreciate if someone would quote it because I donā€™t remember it and it just oozes scum to me.

This answers the question I was going to ask, however it just makes me more concerned.

This means we do not know the votecount until EoD.

This mechanic feels like it heavily favours scum.

I love disquietedā€™s opening. Despite it being quite slow, they question Jgoesgaming which is a good thing to do at that point and at the same time question Marshal when theyā€™re the two who the main focus would probably be on due to the whole ā€˜reaction testā€™ and reaction due to that.

Iā€™ve already commented on Luxy not long after this post so look at my ISO to find out my reaction to it. TL;DR Luxy seems pretty townie from their actions there. And Iā€™mma skip some other posts from around then since I was around at that time and commented on anything I thought was important.

This again serves to further worry me about Marshal being scum. Marshal does not usually post like this. I feel like Marshalā€™s trying to fencesit all about Disquieted and that again is something I donā€™t often see from Town!Marshal. The self meta also is something that is not normal or good :expressionless:

A bit after this comes the return of Astand, but this is where I feel my read slowly changing. Astandā€™s content improves drastically and theyā€™re actively discussing things which went on instead of trying to fly under the radar which is more townie than before.

Priestess had interactions with Marshal. Didnā€™t like them and Squid sticking up for Marshal as well just felt weird motivation wise, I donā€™t understand why Squid did it. Either attempting to pocket Marshal or just defend a teammate. Will quote if needed but I really cannot waste this post on having to split it into 2.

Chemistā€¦ you do remember my style in literally all of the FM games weā€™ve played together, right?

Iā€™ll take control as much as I can (Canā€™t do that easily due to my shitty PR here) then claim when Iā€™ve got enough townreads and work from there with my reads since I know there Iā€™ll have protection on me. Here, me asking for protection is just a meme T-T

As a result, I find this to be a confusing post and Iā€™d like more elaboration for why me claiming PR is scummy. People here know that itā€™s something I do a lot (I claimed Doc/Retri in a game with a claimvig and died due to it)

PKR readslist:
10 = Top Town. 1 = Top Scum.

8: Luxy/Geyde, Arete/Disquieted, Merc
7: Jgoes/Mist (Although I actually SR Mist but due to Jgoes being such a big TR this is here)
6: Astand, FK/Katze, Kai, Shurian
5.5 (Null) - Simon, Datbird, Maximus, Nerbins, Derps
5: Vulgard/Squid
4: Jake
3: Marshal

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ah yesā€¦ agreeing with me earlier and then uniting ith peristess for similar reasons against me and defending jgoes.

welcome to marshalā€™s scumcore.

You can say hello to preistess and jgoes while you are in there.

I guess you are attatched to preistess but you are still going farther in there.

Readlists are for nerds, but hereā€™s one anyways.

Vul + squid

Luxy + Geyde

JaKe + alice
FK + katze

Priestess + pkr
jgoes + mist

@Marshal Postgame, remember what this says

Anyone else notice how Marshal is scumreading anyone who accuses him or defends Jgoes, regardless of reasoning? Itā€™s ā€¦ shady, to say the least.

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Thatā€™s looooong. I donā€™t want to read it so letā€™s use that as reference material. AYY!

Also yep, Marshal is pretty much OMGUSing without sense. @Arete you were right earlier. That moves Marshal to the scumside.







Iā€™m getting burnouts for wallposting one hour in a row so Iā€™ll take a break.

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I wasnā€™t trying to shield myself. The important part of that post was me explaining that I would be offline because I would be asleep or busy for a very extended period after SoD, and I was. I was legitimately asleep or busy for the last 20 hours and Iā€™m just now available again now. I committed to self meta analysis via ISO consideration in this game and other past games of people, and I meant that.

Iā€™m seeking advice over who it would be best to self meta analyze first (will provide commentary on their ISO in this game to this point, their ISO in their most recent town game, and their ISO in their most recent scum game, and compare the three as best I can). I tried skimming the thread, but thus far Iā€™m not quite sure who the consensus scumreads are. What I can say though is that Iā€™m fucking tired of Marshal wasting so much space.