[FM] Mafia Academy 1 - Mafia Victory


As Iā€™ve said multiple times before, I select one player each night and receive the same feedback as all investigatives that target them, and if no investigatives targeted the player, I receive randomized feedback.

Well I got classes tomorrow, so I better get to sleep. Well hopefully Simon and Wazza come on and show that Iā€™m right and maybe even have my n1 or N2 check

My N1 feedback on Alice/Jake (You targeted your target!) has not been confirmed, and could be from someone who is dead, hiding confirming the feedback for some reason, or just be randomized.

My N2 feedback on Astand (showing who he visited N2 as well as his classcard) is confirmed to be from a rolecop and an observer-like class, neither of which are outed.

My N3 feedback on Arete/Disquieted (Yes) is confirmed to be from Waz, though he has not confirmed what investigative ability this feedback was the result of.


Maxwell, what does astandā€™s PM say about other fruit vendors again? Itā€™s specifically mentioned, and in what way?

Astand knows via their classcard that there are two other fruit vendors besides them, and that each of the other two fruit vendors are able to hand out two fruits nightly.

The alignments of the two other fruit vendors, whether the fruits have to be of the same type or not, and what abilities the other fruit vendors have, if any, is not referenced.

dude ive been reading your posts around this one and im lost.
what exactly would i be confirming?

Are you a Fruit Vendor, Simon?

Prolly the most important question I have is whether your fruits do anything but I understand this is a touchy question due to its nature. Answer as you wish.

Also, potentially important question: does your role mention the presence of other fruit vendors?

honestly ima refuse to answer anything until i know exactly whats been claimed.
im real tired right now and i feel like id give more away than id like to.
i realize in retrospect that could sound scummy, but thats just kinda how i act, carefully hoarding and giving out information

DatBird claims that youā€™re a Town Fruit Vendor via a rolecop he has. Do you think DatBird is lying?

As I said earlier, Astand has a second ability that he can use which activates all fruits of a certain type to both roleblock and protect from any attacks all players with fruits of that type for the night. His first ability is to give a player a fruit with a type of his choice.
Astandā€™s classcard states that he can use two actions each night, either two of one ability or one of each.
Astandā€™s win condition is to save three different people from dying by activating fruits on them over the course of the game.

Itā€™s possible that the other two fruit vendors have different abilities since I would hypothesize that one of them is town and the other scum, and their alternative win conditions from Astandā€™s neutral wincon would probably add cause for alternative secondary abilities.

I didnt say one way or the other what i think about what hes said.
is that all hes claiming, all hes claiming as it pertains to me, or is there more that pertains to me

Thatā€™s correct. He claims to know Wazzaā€™s full role as well, and that Maxwell is the Mafia Godfather Rolecop.

To be honest the correct approach is to ask @DatBird what he thinks your role is and have you neither confirm nor denyā€¦? I donā€™t know, but I donā€™t like this at all and Iā€™d like more information around this, but of course more public information is dangerous to have.

is he claiming that wazza is a fruit vendor as well

@Simon He claims Waz is a ā€œTown defensive buildingā€.

Which seems a bit odd to me for a class with an investigative ability which gives Yes/No feedback.

also that isnt what a rolecop isā€¦
a rolecop doesnt determine alignment, just function

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Mafia in all likelihood has a player which can retreive their targetā€™s exact classcard. We know for certain that a class with this ability exists with what I saw N2 on Astand.
So an alignment cop and rolecop in one.

i was referring to dat

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